A Day In The Life



2010年08月27日 23時57分17秒 | LIGA SAGRES ZON10-11
今晩は久しぶりにMovie Nightをやってしまって遅くなってので、手短に。(ちなみに見たのは「パーシー・ジャクソンとオリンポスの神々」。映画館で見るほどではないですが、家で気楽に見る分にはいいかと。アメリカ映画特有の笑える馬鹿馬鹿しさとアクションが入り混じった家族向きの作品です。アメリカでは中高生向けかな? 最近こういう路線ばっかり見ていて、この前に見たのはG-FORCE・・・。)

GKのほうも特に動きはないようですし、現地も土日に入り、いよいよデッドライン間近となります。何とかなるのでしょうか?! GKはドニの他にカリアリのMarchettiという人も噂に上がっています。


September 14(Tuesday): BENFICA vs Hapoel Tel-Aviv

September 29(Wednesday): Schalke 04 vs BENFICA

October 20(Wednesday): Lyon vs BENFICA

November 2(Tuesday): Benfica vs Lyon

November 24(Wednesday): Hapoel Tel Aviv vs BENFICA

December 7(Tuesday): BENFICA vs Schalke 04




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Unknown (Suzie)
2010-08-28 18:42:35
How are you?

I thougth that you were going to start using Facebook, but it seems that you wont...

Anyway, a lot has happened since the last time we spoke!
Benfica is really letting us down! Damn Roberto! But lets hope that we will start winning again, and hopefully win not only the portuguese championship, but also the Champions League!! Seems like an easy group, no?

Suzieさん、 (Sion)
2010-08-28 19:28:46
Hi Suzie,

Thanks, I am fine though I am really tired of this crazy heat here. It's 35C every day and I have no idea when it's going to end!

Yeah, so sorry, I don't see facebook often these days. It's a bit hard for me to keep both facebook and my blog. Only writing blog takes pretty much time and there are many other things to do in every day of life, so... BTW, I visited London and Paris this summer, which was a really nice trip. Hopefully, I can visit Spain and Portugal in a couple of years.

I am VERY worried about Benfica this season. It doesn't look the same team as the last year. Just hope their outcome will improve, including Roberto's. I have upgraded the satellite TV to HD to watch CL matches in HD. I want to see Benfica's victory in a clear screen, not their defeat!

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