
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・東京經濟大學 2008 (7) 4パラつづき

2011-10-31 | 出題英文讀解

(6) からのつづき】


4.7  So the younger chefs tried to learn by tasting the sauces on the pots before they washed them, and trying to guess the ingredients* that had been used to make them.


[意味] 4.7  それで若いシェフたちは、洗ふ前に鍋のソースの味を見、ソースを作るために使はれた食材を推測しようとすることによつて、(作り方を)學ばうとした。


4.8  From an American’s point of view, this might sound like a very inefficient way to teach someone something.



might sound: 假定法由來で、「婉曲表現」です。「聞こえるかもしれない」と[意味]に記してゐますが、may よりも可能性が低いと解します。(※4.9might も同じです)

・不定詞の形容詞的用法: to teachは前の way を説明してゐます。





a point of view



[意味] 4.8  アメリカ人の見解からすると、これは誰かに何かを教へるにはとても效率の惡い方法のやうに聞こえるかもしれない。


4.9  However, in the traditional Japanese way of thinking, one might say that someone who learned in this way is more likely to remember what they have learned because they have put more into the learning process.





put into

to add to




Put more effort into your work!





[意味] 4.9  しかしながら、傳統的な日本の考へ方では、この方法で學ぶと、學ぶ過程でがんばつてゐるだけに(/ので)、學んだことが一層身につきやすいとはいへるかもしれない。


[用例]  sound like 名詞



  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1  My doctor told me to concentrate on eating salads.

concentrate on ~: ~に活動(/努力)を集中する



1  That sounds like good advice.

sound like ~: ~のやうに聞こえる

adivice: 助言 / 勸告 / 忠告



2  And I’m going to take it.



3  Give me 10 pounds of that potato salad.

pound1 poundは約450グラム(→發音注意)


・東京經濟大學 2008 (6) 4パラ

2011-10-31 | 出題英文讀解


   Most training and teaching in the United States is very much based on explanation in words. In contrast, traditional Japanese training techniques do not involve a lot of talking by the person doing the teaching. The person who is learning is expected to watch and absorb the teacher’s technique. The Japanese sometimes say that “learning is stealing” because the person teaching is not really offering the information actively. For example, I once read an article in which one of the chefs at a famous hotel recalled his days as a young kitchen assistant. He and his colleagues were eager to learn how to make the special sauces that the senior chefs were famous for, but the senior chefs were unwilling to explain their secrets. So the younger chefs tried to learn by tasting the sauces on the pots before they washed them, and trying to guess the ingredients* that had been used to make them. From an American’s point of view, this might sound like a very inefficient way to teach someone something. However, in the traditional Japanese way of thinking, one might say that someone who learned in this way is more likely to remember what they have learned because they have put more into the learning process.



4.1  Most training and teaching in the United States is very much based on explanation in words.





be based on



[意味] 4.1  アメリカ合衆国での訓練や指導のほとんどは、言葉での説明に基くところが非常に大きい。


4.2  In contrast, traditional Japanese training techniques do not involve a lot of talking by the person doing the teaching.





in contrast




a lot of



[意味] 4.2  對照的に、傳統的な日本の訓練手法は、指導を行ふ人による語りをあまり多くは伴はない。


4.3  The person who is learning is expected to watch and absorb the teacher’s technique.


[意味] 4.3  學ぶ人は指導者の手法を觀察し吸収することが求められるのである。


4.4  The Japanese sometimes say that “learning is stealing” because the person teaching is not really offering the information actively.


[意味] 4.4  日本人は時に「學ぶことは盗むことだ」といふ、なぜなら、指導者が進んで情報を提供することは實際のところないからである。


4.5  For example, I once read an article in which one of the chefs at a famous hotel recalled his days as a young kitchen assistant.





for example







[意味] 4.5  例へば、ある有名なホテルのシェフが若い厨房助手の頃の日々を囘想する記事を以前讀んだ。


4.6  He and his colleagues were eager to learn how to make the special sauces that the senior chefs were famous for, but the senior chefs were unwilling to explain their secrets.





be eager to-不定詞(~)




be unwilling to-不定詞(~)



[意味] 4.6  彼と朋輩は、先輩シェフたちの名高さのゆゑんである特別なソースの作り方を知りたくてたまらなかつたが、先輩シェフたちはその秘訣を説明したがらなかつた。


【この項 (7)へつづく】