
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・東京經濟大學 2008 (4) 3パラ

2011-10-28 | 出題英文讀解


   Another situation that confuses many Americans is when a Japanese supervisor* makes a large number of corrections to their work. For most Americans, this seems unreasonable. However, the Japanese see this differently. The corrections are viewed as a training tool. This is in line with the traditional approach to minarai; the expert shows how something should be done, and the student watches and imitates it. The expert then corrects any mistakes in the student’s work. Such corrections are the Japanese manager’s way of showing how something should be done ―― of helping someone to learn. Rather than just accepting these corrections, workers in Japan are expected to study them carefully, learn from them, and apply the lessons the next time.



3.1  Another situation that confuses many Americans is when a Japanese supervisor* makes a large number of corrections to their work.





a large number of



[意味] 3.1  多くのアメリカ人を困惑させる状況をもうひとつ擧げれば、日本人の監督者が(アメリカ人の)仕事について非常に多くの直しを入れるときである。


3.2  For most Americans, this seems unreasonable.


[意味] 3.2  たいていのアメリカ人にとつては、これは納得のゆかないことと思はれる(やうである)。


3.3  However, the Japanese see this differently.


[意味] 3.3  しかしながら、日本人はこれについて異なつた觀方をする。


3.4  The corrections are viewed as a training tool.





view as



[意味] 3.4  直しは訓練の手立てと観られるのである。


3.5  This is in line with the traditional approach to minarai; the expert shows how something should be done, and the student watches and imitates it.





in line with

~と一致して / ~と調和して






[意味] 3.5  これは見習ひ(の人)への傳統的な對し方と一致するものである、つまり熟練者が(何かが)どんなふうに爲されるべきかを示し、指導を受ける者がそれをよく見て眞似るのである。


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