
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・45 法政大學 2014 (1) 全文

2014-08-08 | 出題英文讀解


     Something very big happened in the last decade.  The world went from connected to (ア) hyperconnected in a way that is impacting every job, industry and school, but was largely disguised by post-9/11 and the Great Recession.  In 2004, Facebook, Twitter, cloud computing, 4G wireless, ultra-high-speed bandwidth, big data, Skype, system-on-a-chip (SOC) circuits, iPhones, iPods, iPads and cellphone apps didn’t exist, or were in their infancy.

     Today, (イ) [  1  ][  2  ][  3  ] all [  4  ][  5  ][  6  ], but, in combination, they’ve taken us from connected to hyperconnected.  Now, notes (ウ) Craig Mundie, one of Microsoft’s top technologists, not just elites, but virtually everyone everywhere has, or will have soon, access to a handheld computer / cellphone, which can be activated by voice or touch, connected via the cloud to infinite applications and storage, so they can work, invent, entertain, collaborate and learn for less money than ever before.

     When the world gets this hyperconnected, adds Mundie, the [  (エ)  ] at which every job and industry changes also goes into hypermode.  “In the old days,” he said, “it was assumed that your education would last your whole lifetime.  That is no longer true.”  Because of the way every industry is now being transformed by cheap, fast, connected computing power, the skill required for every decent job is rising as is the necessity of lifelong learning. Mundie added that more and more things you know and tools you use become out of date faster.  This is (オ) exacerbating our unemployment problem.

     In their terrific book, (カ) Race Against the Machine, Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology note that for the last two centuries it happened that productivity, average income and employment all moved together nicely.  “So most economists have had this feeling that if you just boost productivity, the pie grows, and, in the long run, everything else takes care of itself,” explained Brynjolfsson in an interview.  “But it’s entirely possible for the pie to get bigger and some people to get a smaller slice.”  Indeed, when (キ) the digital revolution gets so cheap, fast, connected and ubiquitous you see this in three ways, Brynjolfsson added: those with more education start to earn much more than those without it, those with the capital to buy and operate machines earn much more than those who can just offer their labor, and those with superstar skills, who can reach global markets, earn much more than those with just slightly less talent.

     Put it all together, he added, and you can understand why we have record productivity, wealth and innovation, yet average incomes are falling, inequality is rising and high unemployment remains persistent.

     (ク) How to adapt?  It will require more individual initiative.  We know that it will be vital to have more of the “right” education than less, that you will need to develop skills that are complementary to technology rather than ones that can be easily replaced by it.  We also know that we need everyone to be innovating new products and services to employ the people who are being liberated from routine work by automation and software.  The winners won’t just be those with more IQ (intelligence quotient).  It will also be those with more PQ (passion quotient) and CQ (curiosity quotient) to utilize all the new digital tools to not just find a job, but to invent one or reinvent one, and to not just learn but to relearn for a lifetime.  [557 words]


問1  下線部 (ア) hyperconnected の例として最も適切なものをつぎのa~eの中から一つ選びなさい。

  a. telephone marketing     b. interview     c. Internet chatting

  d. television     e. airmail letter

問2  下線部(イ)が意味の通る文となるように [  1  ]~[  6  ] に以下の語を当てはめ、その記号を書きなさい。ただし、同じものを二度以上使わないこと。

  a. do    b. exist     c. only     d. things     e. not     f. these

問3 下線部 (ウ) Craig Mundie によれば、現在の社会においてこれまでより活動の場が広がる可能性があるのはだれか。つぎのa~eの中から最も適切なものを一つ選びなさい。

  a. elite technologists     b. application programmers     c. ordinary people     d. property owners     e. small businesses

問4  空欄 [  (エ)  ] に最も適切なものをつぎのa~eの中から一つ選びなさい。

  a. amount     b. speed     c. quality     d. skill     e. content

問5  下線部(オ)exacerbating の意味に最も近いものをつぎのa~eの中から一つ選びなさい。

  a. recalling     b. solving     c. illuminating     d. worsening     e. explaining

問6  下線部 (カ) Race Against the Machine によれば、これまでの200年は何が富を増やす原因だったと考えられているか。 つぎのa~eの中から最も適切なものを一つ選びなさい。

  a. public sentiment     b. productivity     c. income     d. employment     e. government policy

問7  下線部 (キ) the digital revolution がもたらす社会の特徴として当てはまらないものはどれか。つぎのa~eの中から最も適切なものを一つ選びなさい。

  a. dictatorial     b. quick     c. linked     d. inexpensive     e. prevalent

問8  筆者は現在の社会をどのようにとらえているか。つぎのa~eの中から最も適切なものを一つ選びなさい。

  a. productive and wealthy     b. unchanged and persistent     c. hyperconnected and fair     d. slow but innovative     e. creative but unequal

問9  下線部 (ク) How to adapt? の例として最も適切なものをつぎのa~eの中から一つ選びなさい。

  a. Get rid of outdated technologies.    b. Be worth as much as a robot.    c. Keep learning and innovating.    d. Find a lifelong calling.    e. Have more IQ than CQ.

問10  本文の内容に合うものをつぎのa~gの中から二つ選びなさい。

a. The attacks on 9/11 and the Great Recession changed the world from connected to hyperconnected.

b. According to Craig Mundie, people today will probably have to keep looking for better jobs till the final days of their lives.

c. Those who live in the hyperconnected society tend to prefer smaller slices of pie, even though they have a big appetite.

d. Brynjolfsson considers education, money and skills to be three important keys for survival in this hyperconnected world.

e. Routine jobs should be performed using technology rather than labor in order to have more free time.

f. The author of this article thinks PQ and CQ are as important as IQ to succeed in this complicated society.

g. All the new technologies such as cellphones and cloud computing will be used for people to find a stable job.