

クライスラー リース事業停止

2008-07-27 10:18:31 | 自動車

Plummeting Resale Values Lead Chrysler to End Leases

The company, now privately held, told its dealers on Friday that its financing arm, Chrysler Financial, would stop offering leases as of Aug. 1, a move that comes as plummeting resale values of gas-thirsty trucks and sport utility vehicles turn lease deals on those vehicles into big money losers for the Detroit automakers.


He said Chrysler would offer discounts so that many customers who financed a vehicle would end up with about the same monthly payment that they would have had in a lease.


Lease payments are calculated according to how much of its value a vehicle is expected to lose during the length of the lease, and often have little correlation to the car’s actual price. Most of the larger vehicles under lease are now worth far less than they were expected to be worth, meaning lenders will lose money when they sell those vehicles after the lease ends.


In the last year alone, resale values dropped 12 percent for large pickup trucks and 11 percent for large S.U.V.’s, according to the Power Information Network.


