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・53 センター試驗 2016 (7) 6パラ

2016-03-14 | 出題英文讀解

(6)     There are no easy solutions to opera’s problems and there are many different opinions about the value of opera.  However, every year many young people register for music courses with hopes and dreams of developing their talents in this special art form.  The fact that opera has survived many obstacles and continues to attract the rising generation demonstrates that it remains a respected art form full of value.



問5  What would be the best title for this passage?  [  51  ]

  ①  How to Make Money in Opera

  ②  Opera as a Part of Popular Culture

  ③  The Difficulties Facing Opera

  ④  The Historical Context of Opera


B 次の表は、本文のパラグラフ(段落)ごとの内容をまとめたものである。[  52  ]~[  55  ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選び、表を完成させよ。ただし、同じものを繰り返し選んではいけない。


Paragraph               Content

   (1)              Introducing opera

   (2)                 [  52  ]

   (3)                 [  53  ]

   (4)                 [  54  ]

   (5)                 [  55  ]

   (6)              Prospects for opera


①  Effect of world finance on opera

②  Impact of popular culture on opera

③  Opera from the past to the present

④  Problems in money management



問5  What would be the best title for this passage? (この文章に最も適切な表題は何であらうか) [  51  ]

  ①  How to Make Money in Opera(オペラでの稼ぎ方[/オペラでどう稼ぐか])

  ②  Opera as a Part of Popular Culture(大衆文化の一部としてのオペラ)

  ③  The Difficulties Facing Opera(オペラの[/にかかる]難題)

  ④  The Historical Context of Opera(オペラの歴史的背景[/オペラ史の流れ])


B は本文全體に關はる設問です。讀み進む際に各パラグラフ(段落)の内容・主題を簡単なことばで余白にメモしておくと時間が節約できます。


Paragraph               Content

   (1)              Introducing opera(オペラ紹介)

   (2)                 [  52  ]

   (3)                 [  53  ]

   (4)                 [  54  ]

   (5)                 [  55  ]

   (6)              Prospects for opera(オペラの[將來への]展望)


①  Effect of world finance on opera(オペラに及ぶ世界財政の影響)

②  Impact of popular culture on opera(オペラに及ぶ大衆文化の影響)

③  Opera from the past to the present(過去から現在までのオペラ)

④  Problems in money management(資金繰りに於ける諸問題)




[  51  ]  ③


[  52  ]  ③

[  53  ]  ①

[  54  ]  ④

[  55  ]  ②



6.2     register for ~           ~に入學の登録をする/~の履修屆を出す

          register                       [rédʒistər]

6.3     The fact that ~        同格表現で「~といふ事実」と解します。名詞とthat 節が竝べられて that節が the fact の説明をしてゐます。




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