
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・104.3 The culture of Edo Japan ...

2015-10-09 | 出題英文讀解

・104.3 The culture of Edo Japan ...


  (3)         For while Japan’s culture was one that gave deep thought to harmonious living with nature, the modern focus on mass production has eaten away at the foundation of that culture. The petroleum-based civilization of the twentieth century has produced vast quantities of products made of plastic and other materials that cannot be naturally recycled. However, by planting trees, harvesting them after they have grown, and making full, appropriate use of the wood obtained, we can enjoy a limited supply of forest resources that takes nothing more than the heat of the sun to produce. This is not the case with oil and coal, which run out as we take them from the earth.


(3)  次の(a)~(c)は、下線部(3)に入れるべき文を順不同に並べたものです。意味の通った文章とするのにもっとも適切な並べかたを選びなさい。

 (a)  The loss of traditions, which began in earnest in the 1960s, was one result of the mass society that developed in Japan’s high growth period.

 (b)  This is not at all like the lives the Japanese people led in the Edo period.

 (c)  Now the lives of the Japanese people are marked strongly by Western trends - by the culture of throwing things away after use.

 イ. (a) - (b) - (c)

 ロ. (b) - (a) - (c)

 ハ. (b) - (c) - (a)

 ニ. (c) - (b) - (a)



  英文は「1パラグラフ1主題」が原則です。パラグラフの「主題を記す重要な文(topic sentence)はパラグラフの先頭に置かれることが多い」といふ傾向も看て取れます。このことを念頭に置いてパラグラフ全體を眺め、中心的主題は何なのかを讀み取りつゝ、その主題を述べるために適切な文章構成・順番を想像してやるのが良いでせう。また、文中の代名詞や冠詞、接續詞などからヒントが得られることもあります。


 (a)  The loss of traditions, which began in earnest in the 1960s, was one result of the mass society that developed inJapan’s high growth period. (5.3  傳統の喪失は、1960年代に本格的に始まつたが、日本の高度成長期に發達した大衆社會の(もたらした)結果であつた。)

 (b)  This is not at all like the lives the Japanese people led in theEdoperiod. (5.2  これは、日本人が江戸時代に送つた生活とは全く似てゐない。)

 (c)  Now the lives of the Japanese people are marked strongly by Western trends - by the culture of throwing things away after use. (5.1  今日日本人の生活は、西歐の趨勢――つまり物品を使用後に捨てる文化――を大きな特色としてゐる。)





5.1  lives                      發音注意 [laivz]

5.1  use                        發音注意

5.1  throw away ~       ~を捨てる / ~を處分する

5.1  mark ~         ~を特徴(特色)づける / ~を目立たせる

5.2  not ~ at all       全く~ない

5.3  in earnest           本格的に / 本式に

5.4  eat away at ~    ~を侵蝕する

5.4  focus                 (興味、關心、注目、活動などの)中心 / 焦點

5.5  -based    「~を基にした」といふ形容詞をつくります。

5.5  quantity    →[對語] quality

5.7  the case は「事情」「實情」「眞相」の意味で、ここでは「石油や石炭については、さういふ事情ではない」旨を述べてゐます。

5.7  run out               (物資などが)盡きる





