
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・104.1 The culture of Edo Japan ...

2015-10-02 | 出題英文讀解

・104.1 The culture of Edo Japan ...


     The culture of Edo Japan differed completely from the cultures of mass production and waste typical of modern civilization.  The city of Tokyo, then known as Edo, was superior in many ways to London or Paris at that time.  One historian has examined the example of water systems, noting that in the mid-eighteenth century, while Londoners had water supplied to their homes only seven hours a day, three days a week, fresh water was available at all times in Edo.

     Yet what was most impressive was the recycling of resources that went on. Japanese in theEdo period wasted very little.  The capital’s approximately one million inhabitants skillfully reused energy, kept their environment clean, and did not use up natural resources.  Human waste was bought by farmers from the countryside for use as fertilizer*.  Prior to the Edo period this waste was usually dumped in rivers, but such practices were prohibited in the seventeenth century, and agricultural communities were required to buy the material.



(1) Aの要旨としてもっとも適切な文を選びなさい。

イ. A lot of water was wasted in Edo Japan in spite of the recycling of resources.

ロ. Edo was a more industrialized city than London and Paris at that time.

ハ. Japanese in the Edo period needed to recycle waste because of the size of the population.

ニ. Japanese in the Edo period were surprisingly advanced in their environmental practices.






イ. A lot of water was wasted in Edo Japan in spite of the recycling of resources. (日本の江戸では、資源の再生利用はしてゐたものの多量の水が無駄にされてゐた。  ※「水が無駄にされてゐた」は誤りです。書かれてゐません)

ロ. Edo was a more industrialized city than London and Paris at that time. (江戸は當時ロンドンやパリよりも産業化された都市であつた。  ※「多くの點でロンドンやパリに優つてゐた」とあり、水供給のありやうを例に擧げてゐますが、産業や工業の生起については言及がありません)

ハ. Japanese in the Edo period needed to recycle waste because of the size of the population. (江戸時代の日本人は人口規模に由り廢棄物を再生利用する必要があつた。  ※人口規模との因果關係については言及がありません)

ニ. Japanese in the Edo period were surprisingly advanced in their environmental practices. (江戸時代の日本人は環境關聯の營みでは驚くほど先進的であつた)





1.1  typical of  ~          ~に特有な

1.2  superior to ~       ~より優れた(ラテン語に由來する比較級で than ではなく to を用ゐる)

1.2  superior                →[反意語] inferior

1.2  in many ways       多くの點で

1.3  a ~                      ~につき( = per ) 月日、量など、單位につくもの

1.3  at all times             いつも / 常に

2.1  on                         副詞で「ずつと」「續けて」などの意味を動詞に添へる

2.3  use up ~              ~を使ひ果す

2.4  use                        發音注意

2.5  prior to ~            ~に先立つて (before)

2.5  prior                     →[名詞] priority






