
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・46 秋田縣立大學 2014 (4) 3パラ

2014-09-12 | 出題英文讀解

(3)  Satoyama has since evolved and is now used in differing contexts.  Among neo-traditional4 conservationists, satoyama often broadly refers to traditional rural landscapes and has become for many a symbol of land where humans and nature coexist in a symbiotic5 relationship.  For ecologists exploring habitat modification and human use of natural landscapes, the satoyama concept has evolved to include cultivated lands (farmlands), and reservoirs6 (including natural wetlands and traditional man-made irrigation ponds called tameike); all elements linked together as part of the traditional agricultural land use system of Japan.

  注  4neo-traditional  新伝統主義の  5symbiotic  共生の  6reservoirs  貯水池  



問3  According to paragraph (3), nowadays, among many neo-traditional conservationists, satoyama has become a symbol of land where [     ].

イ  humans and nature share a mutually beneficial relationship

ロ  conservationists explore relationships with ecologists

ハ  ecologists cultivate land and create habitats

ニ  conservationists modify rural landscapes and wetlands


問4  According to paragraph (3), [     ] are NOT considered a part of the traditional agricultural land use system of Japan.

イ  cultivated lands

ロ  natural wetlands

ハ  chemical fertilizers

ニ  man-made irrigation ponds



3.1  Satoyama has since evolved and is now used in differing contexts.


[意味把握チェック]  3.1 以來里山(概念)は進化してきてをり、異なる状況で使はれてゐる(/現在では使はれる文脈が變はりつつある)。


3.2  Among neo-traditional conservationists, satoyama often broadly refers to traditional rural landscapes and has become for many a symbol of land where humans and nature coexist in a symbiotic relationship.


[意味把握チェック]  3.2 新傳統主義的(自然環境)保護論者の間では、里山は、昔ながらの田園風景を大まかに指して使はれることがよくあり、多くの人々にとつては、人間と自然とが共生關係で共存する地の象徴となつてゐる。


3.3  For ecologists exploring habitat modification and human use of natural landscapes, the satoyama concept has evolved to include cultivated lands (farmlands), and reservoirs (including natural wetlands and traditional man-made irrigation ponds called tameike); all elements linked together as part of the traditional agricultural land use system of Japan.


[意味把握チェック]  3.3 生息地の變遷や人間による自然(の相の)利用を探究する生態學者にとつては、里山といふ概念は進化發展して(その結果)、耕作地(農地)、それに貯水池(もとからの濕地や溜池と呼ばれる昔からの灌漑用人工池を含んでゐる)を含むやうになつてきてゐる。(里山では)すべての要素が、傳統的な日本の農地使用システムの一部として、關聯づけられて(/つながつて)ゐるのである。



・不定詞の副詞的用法(結果): 「進化發展した」結果、どういふ状態になつたかについて不定詞句が説明を補つてゐます。

・セミコロンの後は一種の分詞構文とみました。linked は過去分詞でせう。all elements のあとに being を補つてみるか、あるひは all elements のまへに with を置いて、そのあとに目的語と補語が續くとみる觀方もできやうかと思ひます。(※文法書では「獨立分詞構文」の項に説明や例文がみつかるでせう)




問3  According to paragraph (3), nowadays, among many neo-traditional conservationists, satoyama has become a symbol of land where [     ]. (第3パラグラフによると、今日では新傳統主義的(自然環境)保護論者の間で、里山は~地の象徴になつてゐる)

イ  humans and nature share a mutually beneficial relationship (人間と自然とが相互に有益な關係を分ち合ふ)

ロ  conservationists explore relationships with ecologists (保護論者が生態學者との關はりをさぐる)

ハ  ecologists cultivate land and create habitats (生態學者が土地を開拓(耕作)し、生息地をつくりだす)

ニ  conservationists modify rural landscapes and wetlands (保護論者が田園地帶や濕地の姿を變へる)



問4  According to paragraph (3), [     ] are NOT considered a part of the traditional agricultural land use system of Japan. (第3パラグラフによると、~は、日本傳統の農地使用システムの一部であるとは看做されてゐない)

イ  cultivated lands (耕作地)

ロ  natural wetlands (自然濕地)

ハ  chemical fertilizers (化學肥料)

ニ  man-made irrigation ponds (灌漑用の人工池)
