
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・46 秋田縣立大學 2014 (2) 1パラ

2014-09-05 | 出題英文讀解

Harvest Time in Satoyama

(1)  For many Japanese, satoyama represents the ideal of coexistence between humans and nature. It is commonly described as secondary woodlands1 and grasslands near small villages, and is the scene of rich biological diversity.  The first written reference to satoyama dates back to 1759.  Forester2 Hyoemon Terauchi recorded the livelihoods3 of rural mountain woodland communities and used the term satoyama to describe the human managed landscapes surrounding those communities.

注: 1secondary woodlands  二次林(山火事や伐採などで破壊されたあとに生じる森林)  2forester  林業者  3livelihoods  生活の手段



問1  According to paragraph (1), Hyoemon Terauchi used the term “satoyama” to describe [     ].

イ  small rural villages

ロ  rich biological diversity

ハ  managed lands surrounding small villages

ニ  the livelihoods of mountain woodland communities



Harvest Time in Satoyama(里山の收穫期)

1.1  For many Japanese, satoyama represents the ideal of coexistence between humans and nature.


[意味把握チェック]  1.1 多くの日本人には、里山は人(間)と自然との共存(/共生)の理想を表はしてゐる。


1.2  It is commonly described as secondary woodlands and grasslands near small villages, and is the scene of rich biological diversity.


[意味把握チェック]  1.2 里山は、通例、小さな村々に近い二次林や草地と説明され、豐かな生物多樣性が見られる場である。


1.3  The first written reference to satoyama dates back to 1759.


[意味把握チェック]  1.3 最初の里山についての記述(による言及)は1759年に遡る。


1.4  Forester Hyoemon Terauchi recorded the livelihoods of rural mountain woodland communities and used the term satoyama to describe the human managed landscapes surrounding those communities.


[意味把握チェック]  1.4 林業者である Hyoemon Terauchi は、鄙びた山村(/山林地集落)の暮しぶり(/生活の手段)を記録し、人の手の入つた(/人間に管理される)山村周邊地の樣相を表現するのに里山といふことばを用ゐた。



 1.4  landscape = the aspect of the land characteristic of a particular region




問1  According to paragraph (1), Hyoemon Terauchi used the term “satoyama” to describe [     ]. (第1パラグラフによると、Hyoemon Terauchi は~を表現するために「里山」といふことばを用ゐた)

イ  small rural villages (小さな村落)

ロ  rich biological diversity (豐かな生物多樣性)

ハ  managed lands surrounding small villages (小さい村々の周りの管理地)

ニ  the livelihoods of mountain woodland communities (山林地集落の生活手段)
