
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・46 秋田縣立大學 2014 (3) 2パラ

2014-09-08 | 出題英文讀解

(2)  The idea of satoyama ― along with the views about nature, lifestyles, cultural values, traditional knowledge and resource management practices it represents ― would have faded into the records of history were it not for the efforts of another forester ecologist, Tsunahide Shidei, who reintroduced this concept in the 1960s.  Shidei’s reintroduction of satoyama was partly a counter reaction to the chemical fertilizer revolution of the time and the impact rapid economic development was having on the social, cultural and natural landscapes of Japan.



問2    According to paragraph (2), Tsunahide Shidei reintroduced the concept of satoyama to [     ].

イ  promote the use of chemical fertilizer

ロ  promote rapid economic development

ハ  remind Japanese of their traditional ways

ニ  destroy natural landscapes of Japan



2.1  The idea of satoyama ― along with the views about nature, lifestyles, cultural values, traditional knowledge and resource management practices it represents ― would have faded into the records of history were it not for the efforts of another forester ecologist, Tsunahide Shidei, who reintroduced this concept in the 1960s.


[意味把握チェック]  2.1もしもう一人の森林生態學者である Tsunahide Shidei、この人は1960年代にこの概念を再導入したのであるが、彼の努力がなければ、里山といふ概念は―それが表はす自然觀、生活樣式、文化的價値、昔から傳はる知識、自然管理の實踐と共にだが―歴史の記録のなかへと消えてしまつてゐたことであらう。



・倒置の條件節: were it not for ~= if it were not for ~(「もし~がなければ」)。ここは假定法の動詞 were を用ゐて事實と異なる事態を條件として提示してゐます。本來 had it not been for ~/= if it had not been for ~(「もし~がなかつたなら」) となるところなんでせうが、筆者は單なる假定法過去の動詞で濟ませてゐます。因みに、四手井綱英氏は平成21年に亡くなつてゐます。

  歸結節は would have faded で、「~消えて(失はれて)ゐたであらう(に)」といつた意味を傳へます。




2.1     along with ~            ~と一緒に/~に加へて


2.2  Shidei’s reintroduction of satoyama was partly a counter reaction to the chemical fertilizer revolution of the time and the impact rapid economic development was having on the social, cultural and natural landscapes of Japan.


[意味把握チェック]  2.2  の里山概念再導入は、當時の化學肥料革命に對する、また急速な經濟發展が日本の社會、文化、自然の諸樣相に與へてゐる影響に對する反撥行動といふ部分もあつた。



2.2     have an impact upon/on ~      ~に影響を與へる




問2    According to paragraph (2), Tsunahide Shidei reintroduced the concept of satoyama to [     ]. (第2パラグラフによると、Tsunahide Shidei は里山といふ概念を~ために再導入した。)

イ  promote the use of chemical fertilizer (化學肥料の使用を促進する)

ロ  promote rapid economic development (急速な經濟發展を促進する)

ハ  remind Japanese of their traditional ways (昔から傳はるやり方を日本人に思ひ起こさせる)

ニ  destroy natural landscapes of Japan (日本の自然(の相)を破壞する)
