
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・46 秋田縣立大學 2014 (7) 6パラ

2014-09-22 | 出題英文讀解

(6)  Environmental degradation through the lens of satoyama landscapes has also drawn attention to the food and fuel debate in Japan.  In 1950, 45.5% of the labor force was involved in agriculture.  It has since shrunk to 7%, approximately 60% of whom are over 65 years of age, and the agricultural industry now accounts for a mere 1.3% of the GDP11.  In the most food import-dependant country among industrialized nations - Japan’s food self-sufficiency rate having dropped to 39% - land use, resource management and the weak state of food and fuel security are of growing concern.

  注  11GDP  国内総生産(1年間に国内で新たに生産された財・サービスの価値の合計)




問8  In paragraph (6), the underlined word “It” at the beginning of sentence 3, refers to the [     ].

イ  lens of satoyama landscapes

ロ  food and fuel debate

ハ  most food import-dependant country

ニ  labor force involved in agriculture


問9  According to paragraph (6), which of the following is NOT true?  [     ].

イ  Japan is the most food import-dependant country among industrialized nations

ロ  Currently over half the number of farmers are over 65 years of age

ハ  Since 1950 the labor force involved in agriculture has increased from 7% to 45.5%

ニ  Japan’s food self-sufficiency rate dropped to 39%


問10  According to paragraph (6), [     ] is NOT of growing concern.

イ  resource management

ロ  food and fuel security

ハ  land use

ニ  the labor force involved in industry



6.1  Environmental degradation through the lens of satoyama landscapes has also drawn attention to the food and fuel debate in Japan.


[意味把握チェック]  6.1 里山(相)のレンズを通してみた環境の退廢により、日本の食糧や燃料に關する議論への注意も喚起されてきた。


6.2  In 1950, 45.5% of the labor force was involved in agriculture.


[意味把握チェック]  6.2 1950年には、勞働人口の45.5%が農業に關はつてゐた。


6.3  It has since shrunk to 7%, approximately 60% of whom are over 65 years of age, and the agricultural industry now accounts for a mere 1.3% of the GDP.


[意味把握チェック]  6.3 以來それが7%に縮小したが、そのおよそ60%が65歳を超えてゐる。そして今や農業はGDP(/國内總生産)の1.3%を占めてゐるにすぎない。



・關係代名詞(目的格): whom は who の目的格で、6.3の 7% (of the labor force) を指してゐます。(※2012年6月6日付の關聯記事があります。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください)



6.3     account for ~           ~の割合を占める/~の(理由を)説明する


6.4  In the most food import-dependant country among industrialized nations - Japan’s food self-sufficiency rate having dropped to 39% - land use, resource management and the weak state of food and fuel security are of growing concern.


[意味把握チェック]  6.4 (先進)工業國中で最も食糧輸入に依存する(この)國-日本の食糧自給率は39%まで下がつてゐる-において、土地利用や資源管理、そして食糧・燃料の安全保障が弱い状態については懸念が深まつて(/關心が高まつて)ゐる。



・〈of+抽象名詞〉: このかたちは形容詞や副詞のはたらきをします。例としては、of no use (=useless 役に立たない) / of course (もちろん) など。




問8  In paragraph (6), the underlined word “It” at the beginning of sentence 3, refers to the [     ]. (第6パラグラフで、第3文の最初の下線部を施した It は~のことを言つてゐる)

イ  lens of satoyama landscapes (里山(相)のレンズ)

ロ  food and fuel debate (食糧と燃料に關する議論)

ハ  most food import-dependant country (食糧を最も輸入に頼る國)

ニ  labor force involved in agriculture (農業に關はる勞働人口)



問9  According to paragraph (6), which of the following is NOT true?  [     ]. (第6パラグラフによると、次のどれが眞實ではないか)

イ  Japan is the most food import-dependant country among industrialized nations (日本は(先進)工業國中で最も食糧輸入に依存する國である)

ロ  Currently over half the number of farmers are over 65 years of age (現在は、農業者の半數以上が65歳を超えてゐる)

ハ  Since 1950 the labor force involved in agriculture has increased from 7% to 45.5% (1950年以來、農業關聯の勞働人口は7%から45.5%に増加してきてゐる)

ニ  Japan’s food self-sufficiency rate dropped to 39% (日本の食糧自給率は39%に落ちた)



問10  According to paragraph (6), [     ] is NOT of growing concern. (第6パラグラフによると、~については懸念が深まつてゐない)

イ  resource management (資源管理)

ロ  food and fuel security (食糧と燃料についての安全保障)

ハ  land use (土地利用)

ニ  the labor force involved in industry (産業に關はる勞働人口)
