


2008-09-27 09:10:59 | 通信
Top 10 Mobile Phone Screwups

iPhone: sealed batteries

It's remarkable that the iPhone succeeded at all with so many weaknesses, but what痴 remarkable is that it managed to get away with a non-user-replaceable battery. I mean, how many phones with sealed batteries can you count? But that's not all, the iPhone battery replacement program slaps you with a $79 service fee for the replacement battery, plus $6.95 for shipping. Now you know why Apple likes iPhone batteries sealed. What's next? Cars with sealed reservoirs that can be refueled only at Shell gas stations?

Iphone バッテリーがシールされていて、ユーザーで交換できないって何だ!!ってことでしょうか。交換をアップルに頼むと79ドルも取られて、さらに送料もかかる。

Motorola Z1: kick-arse kick-slider causes back-bending

Motorola didn't learn a thing from last year's problems that plagued Z8 slider-phone. The Symbian-powered Z10 is take-two for the kick-slider concept that hinges the phone as it opens into a curved shape. And what is the reasoning behind this wizardry? It allegedly improves call quality by bringing the microphone closer to the mouth. It wasn't really necessary to tank the otherwise great handset that has excellent video recording capabilities juts for the sake of wow effect when you kick-slide it open. Do it too many times and you risk back-bending.


Nokia N96: feature beast for geeks

Expected to arrive during the quarter, Nokia N96 is by any measure a feature monster that has it all. But top-notch hardware has no match in software and the end result is actually a concept phone that proves how much can be crammed into a handset. N96 is not perfectly balanced product, although it could have been. It is too heavy, looks bulky and if its predecessor is any indication, clunky user interface and unreliable navigation button will appeal only to geeks. If only we could have the iPhone with N96 hardware.


Samsung Instinct: bad marketing cripples a great product

The only iPhone challenger this summer, Instinct sells for $129 with a 2-year Sprint service contract. It's a great handset with some features that the iPhone 3G lacks, such as camcorder camera, live TV and music downloads over the cellular network and touchscreen that also works with a stylus. Instinct is also a prime example how bad marketing cripples a great product. Samsung was so confident in Instinct that it made ads that pitched key Instinct features against the iPhone, with both handsets shown side-by-side. As if providing free advertising for the iPhone wasn't enough, the ads became irrelevant when iPhone 3G came out soon thereafter, but it took Samsung weeks to remove videos from Instinct site.

