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・57 センター試驗 2019 (6) 5パラ

2019-03-11 | 出題英文讀解

(5)     Today, we have a new type of route, the Internet, which specializes in the electronic exchange of information.  By using this worldwide route, people can easily obtain information that once was available mainly from books and face-to-face communication.  They can also instantly send messages to large numbers of people all at once.  According to one study, more than 3.5 billion people, which is about half of the global population, have access to this electronic route today.  As technology advances, more and more people will take advantage of this route to gather information and communicate.


問4  What does paragraph (5) tell us about routes?  [  49  ]

  ①  Routes can be thought of as existing invisibly in the world.

  ②  Routes that move information can be regarded as dangerous.

  ③  The fundamental functions of routes are declining.

  ④  The importance of different kinds of routes is the same.





5.1  Today, we have a new type of route, the Internet, which specializes in the electronic exchange of information.

5.2  By using this worldwide route, people can easily obtain information that once was available mainly from books and face-to-face communication.

5.3  They can also instantly send messages to large numbers of people all at once.

5.4  According to one study, more than 3.5 billion people, which is about half of the global population, have access to this electronic route today.

5.5  As technology advances, more and more people will take advantage of this route to gather information and communicate.




問4  What does paragraph (5) tell us about routes? (第5パラグラフは(通り)道について私たちに何を傳へてゐるか) [  49  ]

  ①  Routes can be thought of as existing invisibly in the world. ((通り)道は、目に見えないかたちで世界に存在してゐると考へることもできる)

  ②  Routes that move information can be regarded as dangerous. (情報をやりとりする(通り)道は危險だと看做され得る)

  ③  The fundamental functions of routes are declining. ((通り)道の基本的機能は低下中である)

  ④  The importance of different kinds of routes is the same. (さまざまな種類の(通り)道の重要性は變はらない)




[  49  ]  ①


5.1     specialize in ~            ~を專門に扱ふ

5.3      message                         [發音・アクセント注意]  [mésidʒ]

5.3     large numbers of ~   多數の~

5.3      all at once                     同時に/突然

5.4      according to ~            ~の言ふところによれば/~にしたがつて

5.4      more than ~                ~以上

5.5      more and more ~      〈比較級 and 比較級〉については、 「英文讀解のヒント(39)」 (2015年12月9日付)に解説と例文があります。

5.5      take advantage of ~ ~(機會など)を利用する

5q1     think of ~ as          ~をとみなす/~をと考へる

5q2     regard ~ as             ~をとみなす/~をと考へる



5.1  今日私たちは新しいタイプの(通り)道、インターネットを持つてをり、それは電子情報交換を專門に扱ふものである。

5.2  世界中に及ぶこの(通り)道を使ふことにより、人々は、かつては主に書物や直接向ひあつての意思傳達によつて入手できた情報を、簡單に手に入れることができる。

5.3  人々は多くの人々へのメッセーヂを同時に一瞬のうちに送ることもできる。

5.4  ある研究によれば、35億人以上の人々が、それは地球人口の約半數であるが、今日この電子的(通り)道を利用できる状態にある。

5.5  科學技術が進歩するにつれて、益々多くの人々が、情報收集と意思疏通のためにこの(通り)道を利用することであらう。

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