

Table in Viral marketing and the back(5)

2009-04-16 23:15:09 | インタラクティブのattractive(魅惑)
金賞 エア・チャンジャ

Put orientation of a company on Webb and make them download companies logos by a site.
And make them vote by a click like Ad Critic, and a prize is decided.
It's the shape that this glance open source is being asked, it's to make works more of purchased place matter vote, " The companies and goods don't get away any more from the beginning. "
Viral where this is true I think it's a virus.
Without also considering an idea, I make a profit on " throw ".
So it might be born business, but did business of the idea leaving all to others also come out the time of such open source ?If, they seem to say and it's pitiable.It can be used by taking advantage of this.
When there is also benignancy for a virus, there is also bad nature.
The assessment of Viral Marketing is difficult.
" I want you to consider a good idea. " Viral Marketing, in clients , So, please, it's also in benignancy, too for a consumer, to become bad.