

米クアルコム続報3 弁護士辞任

2007-08-16 01:09:42 | 英語情報

Qualcomm lawyer, known for aggressive tactics, resigns


General Counsel Lou Lupin, a 12-year veteran who led Qualcomm's courtroom attacks on competitors, resigned Monday in the aftermath of three bruising legal defeats.

"It's a way of making a statement with other players that Qualcomm is trying to do the right thing -- be a good partner and a good, above-board competitor," said Charles Golvin, principal analyst with Forrester Research.

But the company's shares rose nearly 3% to $38.92 after the announcement, suggesting that investors believed otherwise and were looking for a change in the aggressive legal tactics that led to two stinging rebukes by federal judges last week.


a San Diego judge criticized the company's legal tactics as "suggesting extremely sophisticated foul play." U.S. District Judge Rudi M. Brewster ruled that Qualcomm had waived its right to defend and enforce two patents because it deliberately hid the patents from an industry standards organization, which the judge said showed Qualcomm was "holding hostage the entire industry

ていうかかなり悪質だといわれてたんですな。suggesting extremely sophisticated foul play ここまで判事に言われたら,弁護士としてやっていけないんじゃないですかね。まあ私が心配することじゃないんですけどね。


Qualcomm is going through "a maturation process," said Michael King, research director at Gartner Inc. "There are going to be times when they have to play nice with the competition. They haven't had to do that."

