


2006-05-31 10:55:28 | Weblog



2006-05-27 11:41:51 | Weblog

そういえば、アクション・ペインティング・バトルの当日、トライベッカのApex Artにて、セイラ・カメリッチのオープニングがあった。そう、あのもう一つの万博で京都で滞在製作したセイラです。

エイペックスアートはトライベッカにある世界的に有名な非営利ギャラリーで、私も大好きな場所である。そこで、アルバニアのティラナ・ビエンナーレをテーマとした展示が開かれており、そこで私がAnother Expoで紹介したDaydreamingが出品されていた。セイラの作品がより多くのところで公開されているというのは、キュレーターとしても嬉しい。




2006-05-26 13:13:58 | Weblog





2006-05-25 13:29:13 | Weblog



2006-05-22 03:13:21 | Weblog













2006-05-21 02:38:25 | Weblog

Freedom from Beijing's hold
Deborah Brewster site; Apr 07, 2006

Xiaoming Zhang, the first specialist in Chinese contemporary art at Sotheby's in New York, can't keep up. "This market is so hot right now," she says. "As soon as I've finished the paperwork on any new piece that comes in, it's gone."

Zhang, who was appointed in January, presided over the auction house's first New York sale of contemporary Asian art last month, comprising works from China, Japan and Korea. The 250-lot sale, which was mostly Chinese works, was 90 per cent sold and pulled in $13.2m in total almost twice the estimate.

The Chinese art market along with the Indian and Korean markets is enjoying a boom, especially in contemporary art. Collectors, both Chinese and western, are paying prices that would have been inconceivable only a few years ago.

The Sotheby's sale in New York followed three successfulHong Kong contemporary sales by the auction house, resulting in the decision to bring the works to the world's biggest market. Christie's, which claims more Asian sales than Sotheby's, sold $22m of Chinese contemporary art works at its highly successful sale in November. It says its global Asian art sales last year rose by 45 per cent to $336m. Eric Chang, head of the Christie's Chinese and Asian art department in Hong Kong, expects Asian art sales to rise six or seven times within the next five years. And Bonham's plans its first contemporary Asian art sale in London in June.

Works by Chinese contemporary artists in particular have risen in price by more than 200 per cent in the past two years, according to an index based on 80 artists compiled by the market tracker

Shinya Watanabe, the gallery manager at Ethan Cohen Fine Arts, a US pioneer of Chinese contemporary art, says: "Asian contemporary art is very strong but China is the market that is growing the most."

With art increasingly viewed as an asset class, there is a new emphasis on such works as investments., a Chinese website, tracks sales of Chinese artists' works and the prices at which they sell in a style similar to tracking the stockmarket. The first seminar devoted to art as an investment in South Korea was held in Seoul last month. Philip Hoffman, who runs the Fine Art fund, told those attending that he plans to open a second fund investing in Asian art markets.

Is this a fad or the start of a significant trend? Even ardent supporters of Chinese art believe there is an element of speculation, especially on the mainland. The Artprice index shows a fairly volatile market over the past decade, with a 40 per cent jump in prices between 1996 and 1997 followed by a slump until two years ago.

But there are also strong underlying factors supporting the development of this market. Museums and curators started buying in the past few years an important development which helps underpin sales and also brings the works to a wider public. Asian governments have shifted their stance and are funding art museums for Asian art the Chinese government funded the first China pavilion at last year's Venice Biennale while private museums are also springing up. The western auction houses began selling contemporary Chinese works in 2000.

Buying is fairly evenly spread, with wealthy Chinese entrepreneurs and business people buying Chinese art, as well as westerners. "Before 2000, American collectors were not interested in Chinese contemporary art, either coming to a show or buying," says Watanabe. "That was the year things started to change. P.S.1 [New York's contemporary art space] had a big show of Chinese contemporary art and things have been changing since."

Vinci Chang, a 20th-century Chinese art specialist at Christie's in Hong Kong, says: "The market is just beginning. Many people are interested but are still educating themselves about who the artists are and how to understand the art. This is a transition period.ost of the artists are young and in the next five to 10 years we will see who is left, who has a true body of work."

Rigorous art academy training means Chinese artists boast a high degree of technical mastery. The art remains heavily influenced by history and politics. Following the 1949 Communist revolution works were in a style known as social realism showing scenes of peasants at work, for example or apolitical pictures of animals and scenery. By the late 1970s, after the death of Mao Zedong, artists began to break free and create more conceptual and critical works, leading to schools called political pop and cynical realism. Many artists left after the Tiananmen Square massacre of 1989 and the expatriate artists have been strongly influenced by western trends of abstract expressionism.

There is a distinction between older artists, such as Wu Guanzhong, who are being bought mostly by mainland Chinese, and newer conceptual artists, such as Ai Weiwei, who are more directly influenced by western contemporary art and are being bought especially by expatriate Chinese and western collectors.

Wu, 87, holds the record auction price for a living Chinese artist's work, with his impressionist-style painting of birds selling for $3.7m last November. But the post-1989 works are increasingly most popular with collectors, Chang says. "This group, especially the artists who left China, has the most commercial and academic appeal. Their prices are at a very high level."

Zhang says the subversive cynical realism school of which Yue Minjun and Fang Lijun are examples, often employing bright colours and cartoonlike effects is popular.

Chang says there are also clear differences in taste between mainland Chinese and western collectors, with the former favouring paintings while westerners go for photographs, installations and video works.

Probably the top-selling painter is Zhang Xiaogang, who was born in 1958 and specialises in traditional oil portraits with a conceptual twist. One, "Comrade No 120", a Mao-suited young man with a red patch on his face, was a highlight of the Sotheby's sale. It was estimated to go for $250,000 to $350,000 but sold for almost $1m.

Another highlight was a 2003 work a wooden "Map of China" by Ai Weiwei, who was in exile for many years and is also an architect. The map is made from wood taken from destroyed Chinese temples and constructed in traditional, nail-free Chinese craftsman style. It went for just above its estimate, at $228,000.

For collectors, finding and acquiring the works they want from Chinese artists can be a challenge. Many of the pieces gathered by Zhang for the Sotheby's sale were taken straight from the artists, who often sell directly to collectors. Western auction houses are still unable to operate in China, although local houses are booming.

It is much more common for Chinese works to change hands through private sales, with collectors buying or commissioning direct from the artists. Art in China is still subject to forms of state censorship that make artists nervous about exposing their work to the public attention of an auction. The auction houses actively sell behind the scenes as well as at auction,

In the west, there are still few dealers or galleries showing Chinese contemporary works, although the number is growing.

In China a busy gallery scene is rapidly developing and gaining its own momentum regardless of the level of interest shown by western buyers.

アクション・ペインティング・ストリート・バトル! 篠原有志男 VS 勝間陵賀

2006-05-17 12:40:31 | Weblog
篠原有志男 VS 勝間陵賀
2006年5月24日 6-8PM ニューヨーク市 トライベッカ ジェイストリート路上封鎖バトル(パフォーマンス開始 7PM-)
Curated by イーサン・コーヘン & 渡辺真也


ホァン・ポンテス(非営利美術スペース「ホワイトボックス」 ファウンディング・ディレクター)

For Immediate Release


Action Painting Street Battle!
Ushio Shinohara vs. Ryoga Katsuma
Curated by Ethan Cohen and Shinya Watanabe

Opening Reception: Wednesday, May 24th 2006 6-8PM
Performance will be held on Wednesday, May 24th from 7-7:30PM Sharp

Exhibition: Ushio Shinohara, Ryoga Katsuma and Minoru Hirata
Tuesday, May 23rd ? Saturday, June 24th

ACAW Screening Artist: Yang Fudong, Ryoga Katsuma

This exhibition will be held as a part of Asian Contemporary Art Week hosted by Asia Society in New York.

The emerging Japanese action painter Ryoga Katsuma challenges the grand-champion of Boxing Painting, Ushio Shinohara. At age 74, Mr. Shinohara is the legendary Boxing Painter and was a core member of Neo Dada (initially “Neo Dadaism Organizers”), one of the most radical avant-garde collectives in postwar Japan.

Shinohara’s motifs are everyday objects, such as junk, motorcycle, mass media-related objects and all symbols of modern society. In 1963, Shinohara created the series of “Imitation Art,” in which he “imitated” the Neo-Dada and Pop Art masterpieces, such as Jasper Johns' Three Flags and Robert Rauschenberg's Coca-Cola Plan.

Shinohara first performed his Boxing Painting in1959, and William Klein was among the first photographers to document Boxing Painting performances. Since 1969, Shinohara has been based in DUMBO in Brooklyn, New York.

In “Action Painting Street Battle!” the young challenger Katsuma freely draws and paints on canvas It is Katsuma’s special talent to have both a child’s free spirit and an accomplished painter’s hand.

"Action Painting Battle!” will be held on Jay Street in TriBeCa, blocked for the occasion, and our guest judges, including Dr. Alexandra Munroe, Senior Curator from Guggenheim Museum, and Juan Puntes, the Founding Director of White Box, will judge the battle and name the champion of Action Painting!

During this performance and exhibition, the recent works by Shinohara and Katsuma will be exhibited.

The exhibition will also include a selection of the Tokyo-based photographer Minoru Hirata’s works that documented Ushio Shinohara’s early performances. With this segment of the exhibition, Ethan Cohen Fine Arts launches the “Art Archeology Project,” a long-term archival project which aims to preserve ephemeral art works documented by photography, and to foster the understanding of the diverse and rich history of Japanese avant-garde performances in the 1960s. The project was conceived and proposed by Dr. Reiko Tomii, an independent art historian who specializes in post-1945 Japanese art and a co-founder of PoNJA-GenKon, a scholarly listserv group.

The event is presented by Ethan Cohen Fine Arts, as a part of Asian Contemporary Art Week in May 22nd-26th. This event is co-sponsored by Art Asia Pacific Magazine.

Also as a part of ACAW video screening, Ethan Cohen Fine Arts will show Yang Fu Dong’s Seven Intellectuals in Bamboo Forest Chapter 1 and Ryoga Katsuma’s, Action Painting Movie No. 2.

Ethan Cohen Fine Arts: 18 Jay Street (Tribeca between Hudson and Greenwich)
New York, NY 10013 Tel: 212-625-1250 Fax: 212 -274-1518
Gallery Hours: Tu-Sa 11 a.m.-6 p.m.,


2006-05-16 08:00:40 | Weblog




2006-05-14 02:20:08 | Weblog






Luca Pignatelli & Giovanni Rizzoli

2006-05-10 14:04:20 | Weblog
For Immediate Release


Luca Pignatelli & Giovanni Rizzoli

Two one-man shows May 11- June 2, 2006
At Two Locations

May 11- June 2 @ White Box Annex Plus, 521 WEST 26TH ST. BETWEEN 10TH AND 11TH AVENUES (please note exact address)
Opening Reception: May 11th 2006 @ 6-8pm

May 12 – 20 @ Ethan Cohen Fine Arts, 18 Jay Street (Between Hudson and Greenwich Streets in Tribeca).
Opening Reception: May 12th 2006 @ 6-8pm,

Recent Work: Luca Pignatelli & Giovanni Rizzoli
Luca Pignatelli and Giovanni Rizzoli will inaugurate their solo exhibitions at the Annex of White Box on 26th st.
Luca Pignatelli will show a group of paintings using as support truck tarpaulins. These works evoke almost cinematically aspects of history of the western world. Luca Pignatelli has recently shown in Paris at Daniel Templon gallery (december 2005-january 2006), Fabrice Galvani gallery, Toulouse (march 2006), and in Germany at the gallery Davide Di Maggio, Berlin, (april- may 2006)

Giovanni Rizzoli will show a series of sculptures entitled "the five violinist", two swans with piercing, and a large painting that points to a specific theoretical position that conceive art, contrary to the present trend, as the visible manifestation that keeps within the infinite power of the terrific God of Caos and Indifference. . Giovanni Rizzoli has more recently had one man shows in Rome, at the gallery Alessandra Bonomo (december 2004- march 2005), in Florence at the gallery Poggiali e Forconi (may-september 2005), and in Genoa at the gallery Unimedia Modern (october-december 2005)

Duetto: Luca Pignatelli & Giovanni Rizzoli

At the gallery Ethan Cohen will inaugurate "Duetto" with the works of Luca Pignatelli and Giovanni Rizzoli.
The drawings of Luca Pignatelli are notations that don't seek a decorative condition, but rather are architectural impression.
The drawings of Giovanni Rizzoli are diagrams of the state of the soul and of objects that drawn decisevely and tenderly hark to distant emotions.

Luca Pignatelli has shown in many galleries, foundations and museums as Fondazione Mudima, Milan 1999, curated by Achille Bonito Oliva, Accademie Royal de Belgique, Bruxelles 2002 2 Il nuovo ritretto di Europa", curated by Vittoria Cohen,
Writings on his work are by Alessandro Riva, Achille Bonito Oliva, Donald Kuspit, Danilo Eccher.

Giovanni Rizzoli has shown in many galleries, foundations, museums and international events like The Klein Skulptur Triennale, Stuttgart 1998 curated by Werner Meyer, 48th Venice Biennale, d'Appertutto, curated by Harald Szeeman.
Writings on his work are by Achille Bonito Oliva, Werner Meyer, Agnes Kohlmeyer, Marco Meneguzzo, Massimo Sgroi.