


2018年12月08日 | 患者さんの知らないンプラント業界の話

KIRG4期生 松元 教貢


現在即時荷重は、下顎無歯顎前歯部のみにエビデンスが認められ、単独や部分欠損では得られていない。  今回、下顎右側遊離端欠損6本連続に対し即時荷重を行い、6年経過したので報告を行う。 症例の概要 初診時50歳女性。下顎右側残存歯が揺れ、義歯を嫌い、インプラントを希望。全顎的に歯が動揺、臼歯部咬合支持が失われ、前歯も(++)の動揺を示す。患者は前歯部の動揺に強い不安を抱き、早期のインプラントを希望。医療面接の結果、前例のない事を承知の上、下顎右側は抜歯し、4週後インプラント植立し、即時に暫間ブリッジを入れられたら入ると計画し、同意を得る。







Immediate Implant Loading in the Partial Edentulous
Region:37 Cases Report Since 2000.
Dr.Noritsugu Matsumoto 2F Inoue Bldg.
3-18-3 Sannou
Ohtaku Tokyo 143-0023 Japan.
Tel&Fax : t81(0)3-3775-0044
Email : kmdental21-genmatsumoto@yahoo.co.jp

Purpose :
One remaining problem of implant treatment is the immediate loading in the partial edentulous region. This report evaluates the implant success rate, peri-implant tissue response, and esthetic outcome of immediately load mandibulary partial edentulous region, anterior to posterior. And the protocols are proposed.

Materials and Methods :27 patients(7 men , 20 women ) an average age of 64 years old (range 37 to 74 ) were included in this study.
Posterior : 76 implants.   Anterior : 10 implants. The most cases are three teeth lost including removed teeth simultaneously and some implants loaded. Total 37 cases by ITI SLA implant and solid head abutment. Initial preparation of periodontics had been done completely. Implant placement surgery, including of illness teeth removed, and loading. Provisional restorations were cemented on the abutments. After two months, the osseointegration was investigated each implant. Then the final restorations were placed. The patients were evaluated clinically and radiographicaly at implant placement, at 2.6. and 12 months.

Evaluation :
(1) Inflammation of the gingiva
(2) Radiographics
(3) PeriotestR+5>

Excellent : All conditions were satisfactory.
Good : Two conditions were satisfactory.
Fair :One conditions were satisfactory
Poor : Lost and re-operation.

One year after surgery, all implants were evaluated.

Results : 98.8% implants remained osseointegration at two months. 12 months after surgery as follow.

Excellent : 77 implants. 89.53% (70 post. 7ante )
Good : 4 implants. 4.65% ( 2 post. 2ante )
Fair : 4 implants . 4.65% ( 3 post. 1ante )
Poor : 1 implants. 1.16% ( post. )

The "Good" group showed recession of gingiva.
The "Fair" group showed recession both the bone and the gingiva.
A rough surface seemed to stop bone recession.
The "Poor" was lost because of the inflammation of the gingiva and replaced with new implant.
All patients were satisfied with this treatment.

Discussion and Conclusion :
Although both the bone and the gingival minor alternation continued for one year, the alternation did not progress. Immediate implant loading in the partial edentulous region is the good method, for the patients who had lost both the function and the esthetic teeth. High surgical techniques and sophisticated prosthetic treatment are key issue for the successful outcome. Anatomical diagnosis, implant designs and prosthetic plans are very important. The protocols were proposed, as follows.

(1) Insertion 35N over
(2) Long and Wide implants
(3) One more placement implant
(4) Solid abutment and cemented
(5) Strong provisional restorations.
(6) Each implant parallel
(7) Minimum movement controlled : PeriotestR+5>
(8) Occlusal correction carefully 4 weeks after surgery.
(9) PMTC any time.
(10) Wait for enough days before the final restorations.


