・113.3 The jagged rocks off Oshima ...
Then, on Sep. 15, 1890, the ship set sail for Turkey from Yokohama. On board the 79-meter frigate were more than 600 sailors and officers. Some records indicate that they were warned it was the typhoon season, but they decided to head home anyway.
In the event, that day started out clear, but soon the weather turned and the Ertugrul found itself caught in a typhoon. Over the next day, it was battered by fierce winds, waves and rain.
By nightfall on Sept. 16, the Ertugrul had suffered so much damage that the sailors were unable to control it, and it drifted at the mercy of the storm toward the rocky coast of Wakayama Prefecture. At around midnight, the ship smashed to pieces against the reef off Oshima Island and sank.
(22) How many men were on board the Ertugrul when it sank 118 years ago?
(a) about 500
(b) 569
(c) 600
(d) over 600
(25) What was the warning given to the crew of the Ertugrul before they set sail for Turkey from Yokohama according to some records?
(a) that they should leave Yokohama as soon as possible
(b) that it was the time of year for dangerous storms
(c) that they should be very careful when they pass by the seacoast of Wakayama
(d) that there were too many sailors and officers on board the ship
(26) How was the weather when the Ertugrul left Yokohama on Sep. 15, 1890?
(a) It was fine when they started, but soon turned into a terrible storm.
(b) It was fine when they started, and continued to be so for about a day.
(c) It was very windy from the beginning and soon it started to rain hard.
(d) The wind was very strong and the waves were high but it did not rain.
(27) When did the Ertugrul finally sink in 1890?
(a) soon after it left Yokohama on September 15
(b) by the nightfall on September 16
(c) during the late hours of September 15
(d) late September 16 to early September 17
(22) How many men were on board the Ertugrul when it sank 118 years ago? (118年前エルトゥールル號が沈沒した時、何人が乘船してゐたか)
(a) about 500
(b) 569
(c) 600
(d) over 600(600人以上 ※113.3先頭文の more than 600 sailors and officers を書き換へた選擇肢です)
(25) What was the warning given to the crew of the Ertugrul before they set sail for Turkey from Yokohama according to some records? (ある記録によれば、横濱からトルコに向けて出帆する前、エルトゥールル號の乘員に與へられた警告は何だつたか)
(a) that they should leave Yokohama as soon as possible(できるだけはやく横濱を發つべきである[といふ警告])
(b) that it was the time of year for dangerous storms(現在は一年のうちで危險な嵐の時機である[といふ警告] ※第3文に合致します)
(c) that they should be very careful when they pass by the seacoast of Wakayama(和歌山沿岸を通過するときにはよく注意するやうに[といふ警告])
(d) that there were too many sailors and officers on board the ship(乘船してゐる船員や士官が多過ぎる[といふ警告])
(26) How was the weather when the Ertugrul left Yokohama on Sep. 15, 1890? (1890年9月15日にエルトゥールル號が横濱を發つ折には天候はどうであつたか)
(a) It was fine when they started, but soon turned into a terrible storm. (出發時には好天であつたが、ほどなくひどい嵐に變はつた ※第4文に合致します)
(b) It was fine when they started, and continued to be so for about a day. (出發時には好天であり、ほぼ一日の間はさうであり續けた)
(c) It was very windy from the beginning and soon it started to rain hard. (最初から風が強く吹いてをり、ほどなく雨が激しく降り始めた)
(d) The wind was very strong and the waves were high but it did not rain. (風がとても強く波も高かつたが、雨は降らなかつた)
(27) When did the Ertugrul finally sink in 1890? (1890年、最終的にはいつエルトゥールル號は沈沒したのか)
(a) soon after it left Yokohama on September 15(9月15日に横濱を出發後すぐに)
(b) by the nightfall on September 16(9月16日の日暮までに)
(c) during the late hours of September 15(9月15日の夜更けに)
(d) late September 16 to early September 17(9月16日遅くから9月17日の早い時間にかけて ※第6文と第7文からこのやうに推測・判斷できます)
3.1 set sail for ~ ~に向けて出帆する
3.2 on board ~ ~(船、飛行機、列車、バスなど)に乘つて
3.4 in the event 結局
3.4 start out 始まる/出發する
3.4 be caught in ~ ~(雨、嵐など)に出くはす
3.6 <so ~ that …>構文: 「とても~なので…」(結果)
3.6 at the mercy of ~ ~のなすがままに
3.7 to pieces 粉々に