
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・113.4 The jagged rocks off Oshima ...

2015-11-16 | 出題英文讀解

・113.4 The jagged rocks off Oshima ...

   Although the current excavation has brought renewed attention to the Ertugrul, it has never been forgotten on Oshima Island, where a memorial stands next to a cemetery for the drowned sailors.  A ceremony every five years commemorates the accident.

   “Everyone on the island knows the story,” says Oishi, director of the Turkish Museum.  On the night of the accident, some of the sailors were by luck washed up onto the shore of the island, according to Oishi.  It was there that local fisherman found them and cared for them.

   “In those days, this island was a very inaccessible place,” he notes.  Oshima was connected to the mainland by bridge for the first time just nine years ago.

   The people here pooled their food and cared for the injured until they could be taken to Kobe.  All 69 of the rescued sailors eventually recovered.



(28)  Which of the following statements is not true?

  (a)  The interest in the Ertugrul accident among the islanders of Oshima was recently renewed thanks to the excavation project.

  (b)  People of Oshima have never lost their memories of the Ertugrul accident that happened more than 100 years ago.

  (c)  Oshima Island has a memorial of the Ertugrul accident and a cemetery for the drowned sailors.

  (d)  The islanders of Oshima hold a ceremony every year to commemorate the accident.


(29)  Which of the following statements is not true?

  (a)  On the night of the accident, some surviving sailors washed onto the shore of Oshima.

  (b)  The surviving sailors found the house of a fisherman and asked for food and shelter.

  (c)  The fishermen of Oshima rescued the survivors of the accident, taking care of the injured and giving food to the Turkish sailors.

  (d)  When the sailors had become well enough, they were taken to Kobe.




(28)  Which of the following statements is not true? (次に述べてゐるもののうちどれが正しくないか/正しくないのはどれか)

  (a)  The interest in the Ertugrul accident among the islanders of Oshima was recently renewed thanks to the excavation project. (引揚げ事業のため大島島民の間ではエルトゥールル號への關心が最近復活した)

  (b)  People of Oshima have never lost their memories of the Ertugrul accident that happened more than 100 years ago. (大島の人々は百年以上前に起きたエルトゥールル號事故の記憶を失つたことはなかつた)

  (c)  Oshima Island has a memorial of the Ertugrul accident and a cemetery for the drowned sailors. (大島にはエルトゥールル號事故の記念館と溺れた船員の墓地がある)

  (d)  The islanders of Oshima hold a ceremony every year to commemorate the accident. (大島島民は事故追悼のため毎年祭儀(/式典)を行ふ  ※第2文には「五年毎に」とあります)





(29)  Which of the following statements is not true? (次に述べてゐるもののうちどれが正しくないか)

  (a)  On the night of the accident, some surviving sailors washed onto the shore of Oshima. (事故當夜、生存船員の一部が大島海岸に打ち上げられた)

  (b)  The surviving sailors found the house of a fisherman and asked for food and shelter. (生存船員たちは漁師の家をみつけて食物と(嵐からの)避難を請うた  ※第5文に「地元の漁師が彼らを見つけ」たと記されてゐます)

  (c)  The fishermen of Oshima rescued the survivors of the accident, taking care of the injured and giving food to the Turkish sailors. (大島の漁師たちは事故の生存者を救助し、負傷者の手當をしトルコの船員たちに食物を與へた)

  (d)  When the sailors had become well enough, they were taken to Kobe. (船員たちは十分に囘復したら神戸に移送された)






4.1       next to ~                       ~と竝んで / ~の隣に

4.2       every five years          5年毎に

4.4       by luck                       運よく(= by good luck)

4.4       according to ~          ~のいふところによれば / ~に應じて

 4.5   preparatory it(強調構文): <It is/was ~ that …>のかたちで~の部分を前に置いて強調し、文の殘りの部分を…に置きます。本稿113.1の第3文と同じ構文です。

4.5       care for ~                      ~の世話をする

4.6       in those days              あの頃

4.7       for the first time         初めて

4.8       the injured                  負傷者








