
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・122.10 In the mid-nineties, two ...

2015-08-31 | 出題英文讀解

・122.10 In the mid-nineties, two ...

   Extensive reading is not the only way to learn a language.  Most language scholars would agree that language students still need to spend a lot of time practicing speaking, listening, writing, and so on in order to become advanced in the language.  However, adding extensive reading to your private study can certainly do some great things for your language ability.  Not only is extensive reading effective, but it can be a very enjoyable way to learn a new language.  Give it a try and see what it will do for you!


問8 次の英語の質問(1)~(3)にたいしてもっとも適切な解答をそれぞれ①~④より一つずつ選びなさい。(※問8は本文全體に關はる設問です。本文全體は2015年7月27日付の拙稿をご覽ください)

(1)  According to the passage, what was done in the “secret method?”

① The Japanese students were taught how to read a great many English books using dictionaries every day.

② The Japanese students were instructed to read relatively difficult English books every day.

③ The Japanese students were told to read a lot of rather easy English every day.

④ The Japanese students were instructed how to enjoy easy English books.


(2)  According to the passage, which of the following is true?

① Extensive reading helps improve students’ speaking skills but not so much as their listening skills.

② Extensive reading helps students to improve writing skills as well as reading skills.

③ Extensive listening strengthens students’ language ability far more than extensive reading.

④ Extensive reading helps to build students’ self-confidence, but reading for pleasure does not have the same positive effects on them.


(3)  According to the passage, what does the author say as a conclusion?

① The author believes TOEFL or TOEIC can be used to see if extensive reading affects these test scores.

② The author believes there is no other way to improve English than extensive reading.

③ The author believes students who read a lot of simplified English books improve in speaking and listening, but not in writing.

④ The author believes in extensive reading, as well as in training other skills, such as speaking and listening. in order to be advanced learners of English.



(1)  According to the passage, what was done in the “secret method?” (本文によれば、「秘密の方法」で何がなされたか  ※第3パラグラフに「祕密の方法」の説明があります)

① The Japanese students were taught how to read a great many English books using dictionaries every day. (日本人學生たちは、毎日辭書を使つてすごく多くの英書を讀む方法を教へられた  ※「辭書を必要としないで本文が理解できるかなり易しいレベル」と3パラで述べてゐます)

② The Japanese students were instructed to read relatively difficult English books every day. (日本人學生たちは、比較的難しい英書を毎日讀むやう指示された  ※「難しい」ではなく「易しい」と3パラに記されてゐます)

③ The Japanese students were told to read a lot of rather easy English every day. (日本人學生たちは、やさしめの英語を毎日たくさん讀むやうに言はれた  ※本文の趣旨に合致します)

④ The Japanese students were instructed how to enjoy easy English books. (日本人學生たちは、やさしい英書の樂しみ方を指導された  ※趣旨がやや逸れてゐます。「樂しみ方」ではなく、「樂しめる本を多讀することによつて言語を操る力を伸ばす」指導を受けました)


(2)  According to the passage, which of the following is true? (本文によれば、次のどれが正しいか)

① Extensive reading helps improve students’ speaking skills but not so much as their listening skills. (多讀は學習者の話す力を伸ばす助けにはなるが、聽く力ほどではない  ※ 7パラで、「聽く力」については「程度は落ちる」と述べてゐます)

② Extensive reading helps students to improve writing skills as well as reading skills. (多讀は學習者の讀む力ばかりではなく書く力を伸ばす助けになる  ※ 6パラの趣旨に合致します)

③ Extensive listening strengthens students’ language ability far more than extensive reading. (多聽は、多讀よりはるかに學習者の言語能力を強化する  ※ 7パラの説明に反します)

④ Extensive reading helps to build students’ self-confidence, but reading for pleasure does not have the same positive effects on them. (多讀は學習者の自信をつける助けにはなるが、樂しみのための讀書では同じ良い效果はない  ※ 「自信」への言及はありません。また4パラでは「樂しみのための讀書」が肯定的に扱はれてゐます)


(3)  According to the passage, what does the author say as a conclusion? (本文によれば、筆者は結論としてどう述べてゐるか)

① The author believes TOEFL or TOEIC can be used to see if extensive reading affects these test scores. (筆者は、多讀が TOEFL や TOEIC の得點に影響があるかどうか知るために、それらが利用可能と信じてゐる  ※ 8パラでは、「多讀が TOEFL や TOEIC の得點を伸ばす」と論じられてをり、それらを手段とする議論ではありません)

② The author believes there is no other way to improve English than extensive reading. (筆者は、英語力をつけるには多讀のほか方法はないと信じてゐる  ※ 10パラには「多讀が言語習得の唯一の方法といふわけではない」と述べてゐます)

③ The author believes students who read a lot of simplified English books improve in speaking and listening, but not in writing. (筆者は、易しくされた英書を多讀する學習者/學生は話す力や聽く力を伸ばすが、書く力は伸びないと信じてゐる  ※ 6パラに「多讀によつて書く力が伸びる」といふ記述があります)

④ The author believes in extensive reading, as well as in training other skills, such as speaking and listening. in order to be advanced learners of English. (筆者は、英語の學習で高い水準に到る(ため)には話す・聽くなどの他の技倆の訓練ばかりでなく、多讀が良いと信じてゐる  ※ 10パラの趣旨に合致します)




(1)  ③

(2)  ②

(3)  ④



10.2       spend ~ -ing(…)             …して~を過ごす

10.2       and so on                        など/ その他

10.2       in order to-不定詞(~)         ~するために

 10.2   private       發音・アクセント注意  [práivit]





