
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・122.3 In the mid-nineties, two ...

2015-08-07 | 出題英文讀解

・122.3 In the mid-nineties, two ...

   What was this “secret method” that produced such dramatic results on these previously 3 reluctant learners?  The class was an extensive reading course.  Extensive reading is simply reading a lot of English (reading almost every day) at a fairly easy level (being able to understand the text without needing a dictionary).  The students in the course mentioned above spent almost all of their class time simply reading enjoyable books.


問4 下線部 3 “reluctant” の本文中の意味にもっとも近い語を次の①~④より一つ選びなさい。

① unwilling

② unexpected

③ uneasy

④ unreasonable



① unwilling(氣が進まない)

② unexpected(意外な)

③ uneasy(不安な)

④ unreasonable(理性を缺いた)










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