
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・52 上智大學 2014 (3) 2パラ

2015-03-23 | 出題英文讀解

     (  32  ).  Panama ranked No. 1 followed by, in order, Paraguay, El Salvador, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, Thailand, Guatemala, the Philippines, Ecuador and Costa Rica.  In Asia, only Thailand and the Philippines, with economic levels significantly lower than Japan’s, broke into the top 10.



 (a)  In contrast, Italy and Greece, with their debt-ridden economies, were in the top 20

 (b)  As the government ponders Japan’s future, it should be clear that higher income, without other types of nonmaterial gains, means very little

 (c)  Latin American countries with relatively low levels of economic development dominated the top 10 happiest countries

△ (d)  According to a recent Gallup Poll of 148 countries, Japan ranks somewhere in the middle of world happiness levels

 (e)  Rich people may try in vain to buy happiness with money, and poor people may try desperately to be rich to do just the same

 (f)  Happiness may appear to be a subjective, intangible quality that is hard to define and harder to measure



2.1  Latin American countries with relatively low levels of economic development dominated the top 10 happiest countries


[意味把握チェック]  2.1 經濟發展が比較的低水準であるラテンアメリカの國々が最も幸福な國の上位10位内で優勢を占めた。


2.2  Panama ranked No. 1 followed by, in order, Paraguay, El Salvador, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, Thailand, Guatemala, the Philippines, Ecuador and Costa Rica.


[意味把握チェック]  2.2 パナマが1位となつたが、以下順にパラグアイ、エルサルバドル、ベネズエラ、トリニダード トバゴ、タイ、グアテマラ、フィリピン、エクアドル、コスタリカが續いた。



・主文は Panama ranked No. 1 で、過去分詞の句が情報を加へてゐます。



2.2     Panama                   [pǽnəm:]

2.2     Paraguay                 [pǽrəgwài]

2.2     El Salvador             [el sǽlvədɔ̀:r]

2.2     Venezuela               [vènizwéilə]

2.2     Trinidad and Tobago  [trínidᴂd ənd təbéigou]

2.2     Thailand                 [táilæ̀nd]

2.2     Guatemala               [gw:təm:lə]

2.2     the Philippines        [ðə fíləpì:nz]

2.2     Ecuador                  [ékwədɔ̀:r]

2.2     Costa Rica               [kstə rí:kə]


2.3  In Asia, only Thailand and the Philippines, with economic levels significantly lower than Japan’s, broke into the top 10.


[意味把握チェック]  2.3 アジアでは、日本(の經濟水準)より經濟水準が著しく低いタイとフィリピンだけが上位10國に食ひ込んだ(/しか10位内に入らなかつた)。






(32) - (c)