If we manage to avoid a nuclear war, there are still other dangers that could destroy us all. There’s a sick joke that the reason we have not been contacted by an alien civilization is that civilizations tend to destroy themselves when they reach our (7) stage. But I have sufficient faith in the good sense of the public to believe that we might prove this wrong.
問3 下線部(1)~(7)について、最も適切なものをそれぞれ1つ選びなさい。
(7) この stage と同じ意味で使われている stage を含むものは
1 It is no use at this stage to think about all of the mistakes you made.
2 Personal computer development set the stage for the Internet.
3 The boy was afraid to go on stage and speak before the large audience.
4 The politician held the stage with confidence throughout the debate.
問4 以下の各群について、本文の内容と一致するものを1つ選びなさい。(※本文全體についての設問です)
1 People are generally wary of science because they do not fully comprehend it.
2 Preventing the progress of science leads to higher standards of living.
3 The mad scientist created a Frankenstein to generate interest in science fiction.
4 The public would prefer to have nothing to do with science whatsoever.
1 The author considers television producers to be the geniuses of our time.
2 The author desires for the general public to improve its mathematical skills.
3 The author detests it when jokes are made at the expense of alien civilizations.
4 The author wishes for increased scientific awareness by the public as a whole.
1 Many global problems are slow-acting because they can be explained as new developments in books and magazines.
2 Science education in public schools is not fully trusted because students are not trained to apply their learning.
3 Science and technology improve because only intelligent people engage in government research.
4 The general public is scared of equations because they are exceedingly precise.
8.1 If we manage to avoid a nuclear war, there are still other dangers that could destroy us all.
[意味把握チェック] 8.1 私たちが核戰爭をどうにか囘避するとしても、まだ他にも私たちすべてを滅ぼしかねない危險がある。
・if =even if
・could destroy は 7.3 や 7.7 と同じく假定法過去の歸結節のかたちです。other dangers に條件が仄めかされてゐます。「他の危險な事象が起これば、私たち皆を滅ぼす可能性があるだらう」と假定の氣持で述べてゐます。
8.2 There’s a sick joke that the reason we have not been contacted by an alien civilization is that civilizations tend to destroy themselves when they reach our stage.
[意味把握チェック] 8.2 私たちがエイリアンの文明にこれまで接觸してゐない理由は、文明が私たちの段階に到達すると自滅することがよくあるからだ(/傾向があることだ)、といふぞつとするやうな冗談話がある。
・同格: a sick joke と that the reason ~は同格で竝び、that節が a sick joke の説明として後置されるかたちです。
・the reason のあとに關係副詞 why を補ふとわかりやすいかもしれません。
8.3 But I have sufficient faith in the good sense of the public to believe that we might prove this wrong.
[意味把握チェック] 8.3 しかし、私は公衆の良識に對して、このことが誤りであると私たちが立證するであらう(/かもしれない)と信ずるだけの信頼を置いてゐる。
・<sufficient ~ to-不定詞>のつながりが見えると解しやすくなります。sufficient は7.5の enough を言ひ換へたものでせう。
問3 (7) 1
It is no use at this stage to think about all of the mistakes you made. (この段階で君のおかした誤ちのすべてについて考へても無駄だ)
2 Personal computer development set the stage for the Internet. (パソコンの發達がインターネットのお膳立てをした ※舞臺が比喩的な意味で使はれてゐます)
3 The boy was afraid to go on stage and speak before the large audience. (その少年は演壇に上がり大勢の聽衆の前で話すのを嫌がつた)
4 The politician held the stage with confidence throughout the debate. (その政治家は討論を通して大膽さで注目を集めた ※舞臺が抽象的な意味で使はれてゐます)
問4 以下の各群について、本文の内容と一致するものを1つ選びなさい。
1 People are generally wary of science because they do not fully comprehend it. (人々は、科學を十分には理解してゐないので一般に科學に對して警戒心を抱いてゐる)
2 Preventing the progress of science leads to higher standards of living. (科學の進歩を妨げると生活水準が一層上がることになる)
3 The mad scientist created a Frankenstein to generate interest in science fiction. (空想科學物語への關心を引き起こすため、狂つた科學者がフランケンシュタインのやうな人物をつくりだした)
4 The public would prefer to have nothing to do with science whatsoever. (公衆は科學に何の關はりも持ちたくないだらう)
(※ 1 が正解です)
1 The author considers television producers to be the geniuses of our time. (筆者はテレビ番組制作者たちが現代(/私たちの時代)の天才であると考へてゐる)
2 The author desires for the general public to improve its mathematical skills. (筆者は一般公衆が數學の力をつける(/技倆を上げる)ことを願つてゐる)
3 The author detests it when jokes are made at the expense of alien civilizations. (筆者はエイリアンの文明をだしにして冗談話が作られることを嫌がつてゐる)
4 The author wishes for increased scientific awareness by the public as a whole. (筆者は公衆全體が科學への認識をもつと深めてほしいと望んでゐる)
(※ 4 が正解です)
1 Many global problems are slow-acting because they can be explained as new developments in books and magazines. (多くの地球規模の問題は、書物や雜誌で新しく發生したものと説明されることがあるから動きが遲い ※意味をなさない文です)
2 Science education in public schools is not fully trusted because students are not trained to apply their learning. (公立學校における科學教育は、學生が學びを應用するやうに教育されないので十分には信頼されてゐない)
3 Science and technology improve because only intelligent people engage in government research. (科學と科學技術は頭の良い人々だけが政府の調査研究に携はるから改善される)
4 The general public is scared of equations because they are exceedingly precise. (一般公衆は非常に嚴密なので方程式に怖れを成してゐる)
(※ 2 が正解です)
※true-false questions の對處法については2013年3月18日付拙稿の最後のはうに説明があります。畫面右の Back Numbers で該當の月・年をクリックし、Calendar で該當日をクリックしてご利用ください。