
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・57 センター試驗 2019 (4) 3パラ

2019-02-18 | 出題英文讀解

(3)     People have established routes on water, too.  Rivers and canals have served as effective routes for people to move around and carry things.  For instance, in the old Japanese city of Edo, water routes were used for the transportation of agricultural products, seafood, and wood, which supported the city’s life and economy.  People have also opened routes across the sea.  The seaways, which developed based on winds, waves, water depths, and coastline geography, were critical for the navigation of ships, particularly in the days when they moved mainly by wind power.  Using these sea routes, people could travel great distances and go to places they had not previously been able to reach.  A number of important sea routes emerged, leading to the exchange of natural resources, products, and ideas.  This, in turn, helped cities and towns thrive.


問3  Why is the example of Edo introduced in paragraph (3)? [  48  ]

  ①  To describe the difficulty of creating routes on the water

  ②  To emphasize the fact that it was an important city

  ③  To explain the use of water routes to move along the coastlines

  ④  To illustrate the important roles of water routes for cities




3.1  People have established routes on water, too. 

3.2  Rivers and canals have served as effective routes for people to move around and carry things.

3.3  For instance, in the old Japanese city of Edo, water routes were used for the transportation of agricultural products, seafood, and wood, which supported the city’s life and economy.

3.4  People have also opened routes across the sea.

3.5  The seaways, which developed based on winds, waves, water depths, and coastline geography, were critical for the navigation of ships, particularly in the days when they moved mainly by wind power.

3.6  Using these sea routes, people could travel great distances and go to places they had not previously been able to reach.

3.7  A number of important sea routes emerged, leading to the exchange of natural resources, products, and ideas.

3.8  This, in turn, helped cities and towns thrive.




問3  Why is the example of Edo introduced in paragraph (3)? (なぜ第3パラグラフで江戸の例が紹介されてゐるのか)[  48  ]

  ①  To describe the difficulty of creating routes on the water(水上に(通り)道を作る困難さを述べるため)

  ②  To emphasize the fact that it was an important city(江戸が重要な都市だといふ事實を強調するため)

  ③  To explain the use of water routes to move along the coastlines(海岸線沿ひに移動するため(の)海路の使用を説明するため)

  ④  To illustrate the important roles of water routes for cities(水路が都市には重要な役割をもつことを例證するため)

※3.2 の内容を説明するために具體例として江戸といふ「都市」を擧げてゐるやうに見えます。



[  48  ]-④



3.1  語句の言ひ換へ: 水路、海路など水上の通り道がさまざまな表現に言ひ換へられてゐます。讀者の理解を深め、文體に變化をつける修辭上の技法で、英語によく見られるものです。例: routes on water / water routes / routes across the sea / seaways / sea routes

3.3     for instance                  例へば

3.5      base ~ on                ~の基礎をに置く/にもとづいて~を作り上げる


 3.5  關係副詞 when: 「關係詞の讀み方(10)」(2012年7月18日付)に解説と例文があります。下線部をクリックすると參照できます。

 3.6  接觸節: 「關係詞の讀み方(1)」 (2012年5月16日付)に解説と例文があります。

3.7      a number of ~            (漠然とした數をしめして)若干の/相當數の

3.7      lead to ~                       (事が)(ある結果:~)に到る

 3.7  分詞構文: 「英文讀解のヒント(19)」 (2015年2月11日付)に解説と例文があります。

3.8      in turn                            交替で/今度は

3.8      help ~ 原形不定詞(…)             ~が…するのを助ける

問3 ② 同格(名詞+that節): 「英文讀解のヒント(70)」 (2017年3月22日付)に解説と例文があります。

3q4     illustrate                   [ílǝstrèit]  ※[アクセント注意]



3.1  人々は水上にも(通り)道をつくつた。

3.2  川や運河は人々が動き囘り物を運ぶのに效率の良い(通り)道として役立つてきた。

3.3  例へば、日本の古い都市である江戸では水路が農産品、魚介類、木材の運搬に使はれたが、そのことは江戸の暮しや經濟を支へたのである。

3.4  人々は海を渡る(通り)道もひらいた。

3.5  海路は、風、波、水深や沿岸の地勢にもとづいて發達したが、船の航行には危いものであつた、殊に船が主に風力で動いた時代には。

3.6  海路を利用して、人々は長い距離を移動することができ、以前には辿り着けなかつた場所に行くことができた。

3.7  多くの重要な海路の出現し、天然資源や製品や思想をやりとりするに到つた。

3.8  この事が今度は都市や町が繁榮する助けとなつた。