
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・57 センター試驗 2019 (3) 2パラ

2019-02-11 | 出題英文讀解

(2)     Early routes were often formed naturally on land.  They gradually developed over long periods of time while people traveled them on foot or horseback.  A significant turning point in their history arrived when the first wheeled carts appeared in ancient times.  Once this happened, people recognized the importance of well-maintained routes.  Therefore, towns, cities, and entire countries improved them in order to prosper.  As a result, life became more convenient, communities grew, economies evolved, and cultures expanded.  The importance of land routes increased further, especially after the appearance of automobiles.


問2  According to paragraph (2), which of the following statements is true?  [  47  ]

  ①  Early routes were created by people who traveled by wheeled carts.

  ②  People’s first routes on land followed the growth of towns and cities.

  ③  The development of land routes led to progress in many areas of society.

  ④  The improvement of routes resulted in the invention of the automobile.





2.1  Early routes were often formed naturally on land.

2.2  They gradually developed over long periods of time while people traveled them on foot or horseback.

2.3  A significant turning point in their history arrived when the first wheeled carts appeared in ancient times.

2.4  Once this happened, people recognized the importance of well-maintained routes.

2.5  Therefore, towns, cities, and entire countries improved them in order to prosper.

2.6  As a result, life became more convenient, communities grew, economies evolved, and cultures expanded.

2.7  The importance of land routes increased further, especially after the appearance of automobiles.




問2  According to paragraph (2), which of the following statements is true? (第2パラグラフの言ふところによれば、次の記述のどれが正しいか) [  47  ]

  ①  Early routes were created by people who traveled by wheeled carts. (初期の(通り)道は車のついた乘物で旅行する人々によつて造られた。  ※2.1、2.2と不一致)

  ②  People’s first routes on land followed the growth of towns and cities. (人々の最初の陸上の(通り)道は町や都市の成長に次いでできた。  ※2.5、2.6と不一致)

  ③  The development of land routes led to progress in many areas of society. (陸上の(通り)道(/陸路)の發達は、社會の多くの分野での進歩(/進展)を(結果として)もたらした)

  ④  The improvement of routes resulted in the invention of the automobile. ((通り)道の改善の結果、自動車が發明された。  ※この因果關係は記載されてゐません)



[  47  ] ③



2.5      in order to-不定詞(~)  ~するために

2.6      as a result                     その結果

2q.3    lead to ~                       (事が)(ある結果)に至る

2q.4    result in ~                (結果として)生じる/~に歸着する/~といふ結果になる



2.1  初期の(通り)道はしばしば陸地で自然に形成された。

2.2  それらは、人々が徒歩で或は馬に乘つて移動するうちに、長期間にわたつて次第に發達した。

2.3  大昔に最初の車のついた乘物が出現した時に、(通り)道の歴史で重大な轉機が到來した(/生まれた)。

2.4  いつたんこのことが起こると、人々は良く整備された(通り)道の重要性に氣づいた。

2.5  それゆゑ、町や都市や國中が繁榮のために(通り)道を改善した。

2.6  その結果、暮しが一層便利になり、地域社會が成長し、經濟が發展し、文化が擴大した。

2.7  陸上の(通り)道(/陸路)の重要性はさらに増大した、特に自動車の出現後は。