
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・假定法の讀み方 (17) 倒置による條件節

2011-08-10 | 英文法ミニ解説

12  倒置の條件節: ≪were / had / should・主語・(not) ……


12.1  if を使はず、倒置のかたちで條件を表はすことがあります。この用法は主として were / had / should に見られるもので、上に示したやうな語順になります。not が使はれる時、weren’t / hadn’t / shouldn’t といつた縮約形になることはありません。


12.2  これは formal and literary style であるとされます。入試問題では時折見かけることがあり、この假定法の讀解のための連載を始めるきつかけになつたのも、2011513日付の記事(學習院大の第4パラグラフ)でした。再録してみます。


   4.2  Europe would have been much poorer had it resisted the globalization of mathematics, science and technology at that time, and to a great extent the same – working in the opposite direction – is true today.




12.3  例文により出現パターンを紹介します。

[例文]  If I were not in …

12.3.1  Were I not in my 70s and rather unfit, I might consider taking up squash.


[例文]  If the election were to be held …

12.3.2  Were the election to be held today, the Liberals would win easily.


[例文]  If the doctor had come …

12.3.3  Had the doctor come an hour earlier, the injured man would have been saved.


[例文]  If anyone should call …

12.3.4  Should anyone call, please take a message.


[例文]  If it were not for …

12.3.5  Were it not for your help, I would be in trouble.



[例文]  If it had not been for …


12.3.6  Had it not been for your help, I would have failed in the business.
