
社会学科後藤ゼミナールの実態とゼミ生の生態が一目で分かるゼミ日誌! しかと見れ!!!

5月29日 ゼミ前半

2024-05-29 13:00:00 | 2024年度



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« 後藤ゼミナールの懇親会 | トップ |  5月29日 ゼミ後半 »

1 コメント

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居酒屋少年 (内田)
2024-06-04 20:40:05
居酒屋少年が写真に写っていますね。「脱帽って、法律で決まってないじゃねー? 」「俺は俺のルールでやるよ」と言ってるみたいです。

Is it rude for a man to wear a hat indoors?
by Lee Ballentine Surrealist, poet, retired book publishing CEO, software engineer, veteran of 1970s/1980s startups.

Yes it absolutely is. It's a handy way to see if a person has any class, style or manners. You show your breeding, or lack of, by your actions. Remove your hat when you enter a building, stand when a woman arrives, these things are noticed and people will form an opinion about you. It might sound old fashioned but standards are standards. There is no necessity to wear a hat indoors..

People decide on their opinion if you in a very short time. Get into the habit of knowing when to follow social norms. Sitting indoors with your hat on could easily cost you that job interview before you even open your mouth. If you're introduced to someone remove your hat before shaking hands. You'll come across as someone well versed in good etiquette. That's important in a business environment.

It's respectful in a social environment. You never know what the new person is thinking or planning. Social gaffes could cost you great opportunities.

People remember good manners but bad manners leave an indelible imprint, even without anyone realising it.

