
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・上智大學 2009 (5) パート 3 つづき

2012-02-24 | 出題英文讀解



[用例研究]  sothat…>  「とても~なので…」


  (BLONDIE  By Dean Young & Stan Drake)


1 Tootsie watched the shop while I went shopping this afternoon.

  「今日の午後私が買物に行つてるあひだ Tootsieが店をみてくれたのよ」


1 That was nice of her.



2 But I felt so guilty about leaving her there by herself…

  ・<sothat…>の構文です。「とても~なので…」 3 that~ に續きます。

  by oneself: ひとりぼつちで / 獨力で



3 that I never got into much of a shopping mode.

  get into ~: ~(ある状態)になる






・上智大學 2009 (4) パート 3

2012-02-24 | 出題英文讀解

Part 3

   Then, on Sep. 15, 1890, the ship set sail for Turkey from Yokohama.  On board the 79-meter frigate were more than 600 sailors and officers.  Some records indicate that they were warned it was the typhoon season, but they decided to head home anyway.

   In the event, that day started out clear, but soon the weather turned and the Ertugrul found itself caught in a typhoon.  Over the next day, it was battered by fierce winds, waves and rain.

   By nightfall on Sept. 16, the Ertugrul had suffered so much damage that the sailors were unable to control it, and it drifted at the mercy of the storm toward the rocky coast of Wakayama Prefecture.  At around midnight, the ship smashed to pieces against the reef off Oshima Island and sank.




3.1  Then, on Sep. 15, 1890, the ship set sail for Turkey from Yokohama.


[意味把握チェック]  3.1 それから1890915日に船は横浜からトルコに向けて出帆した。





set sail for



3.2  On board the 79-meter frigate were more than 600 sailors and officers.


[意味把握チェック]  3.2  79メートルの快速帆船に乘つてゐたのは600人以上の水兵と士官であつた。



・倒置: on boardが前に出て、V-Sと續く構造になつてゐます。





on board



3.3  Some records indicate that they were warned it was the typhoon season, but they decided to head home anyway.


[意味把握チェック] 3.3  一部の記録によれば、台風の季節であると警告されてゐたことが示されてゐるが、彼らはなんとしても故國に向ふことにした。



indicateの目的語はコンマまでです。 but that they~ と續くなら、全部が indicateの目的語といふ判斷になります。


3.4  In the event, that day started out clear, but soon the weather turned and the Ertugrul found itself caught in a typhoon.


[意味把握チェック] 3.4  結局、その日は初め晴れてゐたが、まもなく天氣が變はり、Ertugrul號は台風に出くはした。



clearは形容詞で、補語として主部 that dayを修飾してゐます。





in the event




start out




be caught in



3.5  Over the next day, it was battered by fierce winds, waves and rain.


[意味把握チェック] 3.5  翌日はずつと恐ろしい風と波と雨とに激しくうたれた。


3.6  By nightfall on Sept. 16, the Ertugrul had suffered so much damage that the sailors were unable to control it, and it drifted at the mercy of the storm toward the rocky coast of Wakayama Prefecture.


[意味把握チェック] 3.6  916日の日暮れまでに、Ertugrul號は非常な損壞を被つたので、水夫たちは船を制禦することができなかつた、そして船は嵐のなすがままに和歌山縣の岩の多い海岸のはうへ漂流した。



sothat…>構文:  「とても~なので…」(結果) →[用例研究]參照





at the mercy of



3.7  At around midnight, the ship smashed to pieces against the reef off Oshima Island and sank.


[意味把握チェック] 3.7  眞夜中頃、船は大島沖の岩礁にあたつて粉々に碎け、沈没した。





to pieces



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