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・鳥取大學 2007 (4) 2パラ

2012-01-02 | 出題英文讀解


   We can identify three main areas that are affected by globalization

politics, economics and culture.  Each of these has aspects which can be considered positive and negative.  A key aspect of political globalization is the weakened ability of the state to control both what crosses its borders and what goes on inside them.  In other words, globalization can reduce the state’s sovereignty ( the state’s ability to govern matters within its borders ).  This can be viewed as good, because undemocratic governments are finding it increasingly difficult to control the flow of information to and from outside democracy groups.  E-mail and the Internet are two examples of technology that have weakened state sovereignty.  But decreased state sovereignty also means that the state has difficulty controlling the entry of illegal drugs and unwanted immigrants, including terrorists.



2.1  We can identify three main areas that are affected by globalization

politics, economics and culture.


[意味]  2.1 globalizationにより影響を受ける3つの主要な領域を認めることができる―――政治、經濟そして文化である。


2.2  Each of these has aspects which can be considered positive and negative.


[意味]  2.2 それぞれに良いと考へられる側面と悪いと考へられる側面とがある。


2.3  A key aspect of political globalization is the weakened ability of the state to control both what crosses its borders and what goes on inside them.





both and




go on



[意味] 政治的なglobalizationの重大な側面は、國境を越える案件と國境の内で起こる案件との兩方を統制する、國家の力が弱まることである。


2.4  In other words, globalization can reduce the state’s sovereignty ( the state’s ability to govern matters within its borders ).



・(カッコ)内は直前の the state’s sovereignty の説明です。





in other words


 2.4   can                 可能性があることを示唆してゐます。


[意味] 換言すれば、globalizationは國家の主權(國境内の案件を統治する國家の力)を弱めることがあるのである。


2.5  This can be viewed as good, because undemocratic governments are finding it increasingly difficult to control the flow of information to and from outside democracy groups.



preparatory it(形式目的語): SVOC(第5文型)で、動詞の目的語を it と假に置いておき、あとで眞の目的語(ここでは to control )を述べます。

・省略: to のあとに outside democracy groups が省略されてゐます。なほ outside はここでは形容詞として用ゐられてゐます。





view as



[意味] このことは善いことと觀ることが可能である。なぜなら、非民主的な國家が、國外の民主國家群との間に出入する情報の流れを制禦することがますます難しくなつてゐるからである。


2.6  E-mail and the Internet are two examples of technology that have weakened state sovereignty.


[意味] 電子メールとインターネットは、國家の主權を弱めてきた科學技術の二例である。


2.7  But decreased state sovereignty also means that the state has difficulty controlling the entry of illegal drugs and unwanted immigrants, including terrorists.





have difficulty (in) -ing(~)



[意味] しかし、弱體化した國家主權により、非合法の麻藥や、テロリストも含めて望ましくない移民の入國を、國家が制禦するのが難しいといふことにもなる。


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