
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・112.4 A high school student…

2015-06-26 | 出題英文讀解

・112.4 A high school student…


   Another factor is whether or not people can exercise self-control.  Those who have less self-control can easily be drawn away from their work.  Accepting an invitation to sing karaoke on a night when you planned to start working on a presentation could be one example.  Self-control, or the ability to resist temptation and stick to a plan, is something many of us struggle with.  Interestingly, age is said to be associated with self-control. Research shows that the older people become, the less likely they are to delay doing their work until the last minute.


A  次の問い(問1~5)の[  46  ]~[  50  ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。

問 3  According to paragraph (4), [  48  ].

①  older people tend to demonstrate more self-control

②  people usually exercise self-control without struggle

③  self-control is the eagerness to accept invitations

④  younger people are willing to resist temptations




① 「年をとつてゐる人のはうが一層自制心を働かせる傾向がある」  ※ 第6文に合致します。

② 「人は通例葛藤なしに自制心を働かせる」  ※ 第4文と矛盾します。

③ 「自制心とは、誘ひにのりたい(/を受けいれたい)氣持のことである」  ※ 第4文には異なる説明があります。

④ 「若い人は誘惑に抗ふことをいとはない」  ※ この内容は記されてゐません。第6文をみると、むしろ逆と言へさうです。





4.1       whether or not ~          ~かどうか

4.2       draw away ~ form …  …から~を引き離す

4.3       work on ~                    ~に取り組む

4.4       stick to ~                     ~にくつつく / ~を手放さない

4.5       associate ~ with …     ~と…を結びつけて考へる

4.6       be likely to-不定詞         ~しさうである




