
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・101.6 Long known for importing ...

2015-05-11 | 出題英文讀解


   Japansurely ranks first in the world in sheer numbers of grammar books and electronic dictionaries, not to mention English lessons, yet how often do these help to better understand how to live in the world? The ④ diversity of languages is a testament ( オ ) the beauty and ingenuity of the human species, but the future is likely to rest on humankind’s ability to create an international culture of communication. No country can afford to relish her uniqueness at the expense of working with others in a common language. In fact, (c) the two go together.



△1. at   △2. in   △3. of     4. over     5. to   △6. under


問2. 本文中の波線部④の単語を、指定された品詞に変えて書きなさい。ただし -ing 形、-ness 形は除く。

 ④ diversity(形容詞)



  (c) the two go together

    1. A native speaker and a non-native speaker of English can communicate with each other smoothly.

    2. The wealthiest countries can support the poorest countries as far  as language is concerned.

    3. Japan can perform internationally-oriented jobs together with the rest of the world.

    4. A country can preserve her identity even when she promotes an international culture of communication.



  1. Japan is famous for applying creative ideas and new technologies that she has imported to language study.

  2. People who criticize early English education do so because they fear the loss of Japanese identity.

  3. Research has shown that Japanese people can develop a stronger sense of identity by studying the Japanese language.

  4. Not only the Japanese but also most people around the world feel ashamed if they cannot speak English perfectly.

  5. Partly due to international marriages, it has become more difficult to say what a “native speaker” is.

  6. The poorest countries try to remain monolingual because they are against globalization.

  7. More grammar books, electronic dictionaries, and English lessons are found in Japan than in any other country.





・a testament to something として something that shows or proves something else very clearly といふ説明が Dictionary of American English. 4th Edition (Longman, 2008) にあります。「~がはつきりと示される」「~に對する證となる」などと解されます。この辭書に載つてゐる例文は次のやうなものです。

His latest record is a testament to his growing musical abilities.



オ  5




④  diverse



  (c) the two go together

    1. A native speaker and a non-native speaker of English can communicate with each other smoothly. (英語の母國語話者と非母國語話者とが互ひに圓滑に意思疏通できる)

    2. The wealthiest countries can support the poorest countries as far  as language is concerned. (最富國は、言語に關する限りでは、最貧國を支援することができる)

    3. Japan can perform internationally-oriented jobs together with the rest of the world. (日本は、國際志向の仕事を日本以外の國々とともに行ふことができる)

    4. A country can preserve her identity even when she promotes an international culture of communication. (國が國際的コミュニケイション文化を推進する際にも、自國の獨自性を保持できる)


・人類の未來のためには、國をまたぐコミュニケイション文化を生み出し、協働してゆくことが重要だと述べてゐるのでせう。この文脈では、(やや逆接的にですが) uniqueness と working~との兩立を述べるとみるのが自然だと思はれます。





×××1. Japan is famous for applying creative ideas and new technologies that she has imported to language study. (日本は言語學習に持ちこんだ創造的なアイデアや新しいテクノロジーの活用で知られる。  ※1パラ第1文には「多くのアイデアやテクノロジーの導入で知られるものの言語學習にはまれにしか適用されてこなかつた」といつた意味の記載があります)

○○2. People who criticize early English education do so because they fear the loss of Japanese identity. (早期の英語教育を批判する人々は日本の獨自性が失はれることを恐れて批判する。  ※2パラ第1文に合致します)

×××3. Research has shown that Japanese people can develop a stronger sense of identity by studying the Japanese language. (日本人は日本語を學ぶことにより獨自性の伸張させることができる、と研究で明らかになつてゐる。  ※2パラ第2文には「他の言語や文化」とあり、「日本語」ではありません)

×××4. Not only the Japanese but also most people around the world feel ashamed if they cannot speak English perfectly. (日本人だけでなく世界中のほとんどの人々も、英語が完璧に話せないと恥かしく思ふ。  ※4パラ第1、2文と矛盾します)

○○5. Partly due to international marriages, it has become more difficult to say what a “native speaker” is. (ひとつには國際結婚のために、「母國語話者」[とは何か]がさらにわかりにくくなつてゐる。  ※4パラ第3、4文に合致します)

××6. The poorest countries try to remain monolingual because they are against globalization. (最貧國はグロウバリゼイションに反對なので單一言語にとどまらうとする[/言語をひとつのままにしておかうとする]。  ※「グロウバリゼイションに反對なので」といふ記述はありません)

○○○7. More grammar books, electronic dictionaries, and English lessons are found in Japan than in any other country. (日本には、他のどの國よりも多くの文法書、電子辭書と英語指導がある。  ※6パラ第1文に合致します)







1       not to mention ~             ~は言ふまでもなく

2       be likely to-不定詞             ~しさうである

2       rest on ~                          ~にかかつてゐる

3       at the expense of ~           ~を犧牲にして

4       in fact                                實のところ





