
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・40 宮崎大學 2013 (4) 3パラ

2014-04-07 | 出題英文讀解

     Coach Seabrooke had been a Big 10 Champion and a two-time All-America at Illinois; he was way overqualified for the job of coaching wrestling at Exeter ―― his teams dominated New England prep-school and high-school wrestling for years.



3.1  Coach Seabrooke had been a Big 10 Champion and a two-time All-America at Illinois; he was way overqualified for the job of coaching wrestling at Exeter ―― his teams dominated New England prep-school and high-school wrestling for years.


[意味把握チェック]  3.1 Seabrooke コーチは Big 10 (Wrestling Championships) で優勝してゐたし、イリノイ大學で(在學時に)全米代表に二度なつてゐた。エクセターのレスリング・コーチの仕事をするには隨分と過ぎた資格・能力をそなへてゐた――彼の(指導する)チームはニュー・イングランド(地域)の私立中等學校と高等學校のレスリングで長年優位を占めてゐた。



way は副詞として使はれてゐます。「ずつと」「はるかに」など強調の意味を添へる口語表現です。



3.1  prep school (=preparatory school) : 進學を念頭に置いた私立中等學校

3.1  Big 10 Wrestling Championships: 大學間のレスリング大會名