A Day In The Life



2008年01月05日 17時24分45秒 | Liga07-08


パブロ以外の怪我人情報は、リュクサンは良くなり(どこが悪かったのか知りませんが)、オスカルは依然痛みがあるのでマドリー戦に厳しい状態。セサールも間に合わないようです。その上、公式には背中の痛みのダレッサンドロもマドリー戦は駄目らしい。ええっ?! もうなんだか恐ろしくもやもやした気持ちになっちゃいます。


アジャラが記者会見で「ベルナベウでは一度も勝ったことがない。」と言っています。アイマールのバレンシア最後のシーズン、バレンシアは1-2で勝利しましたけれど、あのときアジャラはいなかったのでしょうか? また自分のブログで調べてみたら、
Real Madrid 1: Casillas, Roberto Carlos, Ramos, Zidane (Soldado, min. 72), Helguera, Raúl, Robinho, Pablo García (Gravesen, min. 76), Guti y Diogo.

Valencia CF 2: Cañizares, Caneira, Ayala, Marchena, Moretti (Carboni, min. 78), Angulo, Albelda, Baraja, Vicente (Fabio Aurelio, min. 93), Aimar (Hugo Viana, min. 88) y Villa.
うーん、しっかりいたみたいなんですけれど・・・。まさか忘れている?! マドリーにディオゴがいたみたいなのもびっくりです。(全然記憶がない。)これ確かマルカからコピーしたものですが、マドリーに1人足りないようだし、結構間違っていたりするのかな。



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Unknown (Targa)
2008-01-05 20:30:04
Hi Sion,

Discomfort? again?? Poor Pablito..

I reall don't want to think that it will last forever but... It seems to me that it never dissapears. When Pablo seems to be ok, it just keeps popping up again, again and again!!! He has lived with the pain, the injuries and the discomfort for about 3-4 years(I think). So if I were him, I'd be really and frustrated. I just wish that the pain will go away so Pablo can smile again...I reall miss it!!

Thanks and have a nice weekend too!!
Targaさん、 (Sion)
2008-01-06 04:09:33
The worst news... Pablo has a strong pain and is out of the list again.

I feel devastated. It's not a right way to start Saturday morning. But of course, the most despaired person must be Pablo, and...I can't imagine how he feels.
I don't want to think that, but I am sure he is thinking about operation now. It's so scary and I don't want him to do such a dangerous thing, but at the same time, I understand if he decides to be operated because he just can't go on like this! Everything is so painful and frustrating.

Sorry for my English. I wrote without thinking too much.
At least the current weather here in north California matches my feeling. We are caught in a strong winter storm right now....
Hope you will have a good weather and a nice weekend out there.

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