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・55 センター試驗 2017 (1) 全文

2017-01-16 | 出題英文讀解

第6問  次の文章を読み、下の問い(A・B)に答えよ。なお、文章の左にある(1)~(6)はパラグラフ(段落)の番号を表している。


(1)     For most people, their friendships are a valuable and important part of who they are.  Psychologists have pointed out that well-established friendships lead us to a better understanding of ourselves.  They have also noted that we might face conflicts not only with acquaintances but even with our good friends, which could result in ends to some of our friendships.  Fortunately, even when such conflicts occur, it is possible to find ways to maintain or save the friendships.

(2)     One way to help save a friendship in trouble is to keep in touch.  When we think a friend has done something that hurt our feelings, our first response may be to cut off contact.  However, it may be better to swallow our pride and avoid doing that.  For example, Mary watched her friend Susan’s children every week until Susan finished night school and graduated.  But after that, Mary did not hear from Susan for several months.  So, she felt that Susan had been just using her.  She decided not to talk to her any more.  In the end, however, Mary forced herself to ignore her own feelings and told Susan about her disappointment.  Susan immediately apologized and told her that she had been just trying to catch up with things after completing her studies.  Susan would never have known there was a problem if Mary had not mentioned it.  Not cutting off contact, even when we may be angry, is very important for maintaining good relationships.

(3)     Another way to help a friendship is to see things from our friend’s point of view.  For example, Mark was very upset at his good friend, Kate, because she had not visited him in the hospital.  Later, he learned from Kate’s friend that she had been afraid of hospitals ever since she had been hospitalized as a little girl for a serious illness.  Mark then understood why Kate hadn’t come and, instead of being angry, he felt sympathy for her.

(4)     An important part of dealing with friendships is to recognize and accept that they can change as our needs and lifestyles evolve.  For example, we may have a good friend in high school, but once we graduate, move to a different city for work or study, or get married, we may see that friend less frequently and our feelings may change.  In other words, sometimes a close friendship may alter in nature.  We should keep in mind that we may still be friends but not in the same way as before.

(5)     How do people keep friendships for a long time?  In one study, researchers interviewed many people who had been friends for a long time in order to find out the secret.  They found that those people kept small misunderstandings from growing into large disputes which might cause their friendships to end.  By taking their friends’ viewpoints and not being afraid to express their honest feelings, those who were interviewed were able to keep something minor from growing into a major argument.

(6)     We all know that friendships are precious, but we also understand that friendships are not always stable.  The challenge in maintaining friendships is keeping the connections strong during the ups and downs that happen in all relationships.  When things are going well, we enjoy our friendships.  If things go bad, we should remember the points above.  Sometimes we can get the relationship back on track, but at other times we should accept and appreciate that relationships can change.  However, regardless of the states of our friendships, they will continue to be an important part of our lives.


A  次の問い(問1~5)の [  47  ]~[  51  ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。

問1  According to paragraph (1), what do psychologists say about friendships?  [  47  ]

  ①  They are frequently compared to one’s possessions.

  ②  They are impossible to fix when they become unstable.

  ③  They can lead us to have conflicts with our acquaintances.

  ④  They help us know about ourselves but can have problems.


問2  Which of the following is closest to the meaning of swallow our pride in paragraph (2)?  [  48  ]

  ①  Give our thanks to someone

  ②  Hold back our feelings

  ③  Realize that problems happen

  ④  Stop seeing someone


問3  According to paragraph (5), research found it is important to [  49  ].

  ①  hesitate to express one’s true feelings

  ②  ignore misunderstandings and disputes

  ③  put up with problems whenever one can

  ④  solve problems while they are small


問4  According to paragraph (6), what is difficult about maintaining friendships?  [  50  ]

  ①  Finding new and interesting friends

  ②  Knowing when to change relationships

  ③  Seeing if friends have problems

  ④  Staying close during bad times


問5  What would be the best title for this passage?  [  51  ]

  ①  Advice for Friendships That Will Last

  ②  Defending Yourself and Your Friends

  ③  Strength as the Key to Friendships

  ④  The Changing Nature of Friendships

B  次の表は、本文のパラグラフ(段落)ごとの内容をまとめたものである。[  52  ]~[  55  ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選び、表を完成させよ。ただし、同じものを繰り返し選んではいけない。

  Paragraph                     Content

      (1)          The realization that friendships are important

      (2)                        [  52  ]

      (3)                        [  53  ]

      (4)                        [  54  ]

      (5)                        [  55  ]

      (6)              What is important to keep in mind


  ①  A report about the results of a study on long-term friendships

  ②  The importance of looking at a situation from our friend’s perspective

  ③  The significance of understanding that friendships undergo transformations

  ④  The value of staying in contact and interacting with your friends