
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・53 センター試驗 2016 (3) 2パラ

2016-02-15 | 出題英文讀解

(2)     Opera is an important part of the Western classical music tradition.  It uses music, words, and actions to bring a dramatic story to life.  Opera started in Italy at the end of the 16th century and later became popular throughout Europe.  Over the years, it has responded to various musical and theatrical developments around the world and continues to do so.  In recent decades, much wider audiences have been introduced to opera through modern recording technology.  Some singers have become celebrities thanks to performing on radio, on television, and in the cinema.



問1  Which of these statements is true according to paragraph (2)?  [  47  ]

  ①  Opera develops by adapting to new conditions.

  ②  Opera fans thank celebrities for performing.

  ③  Opera singers avoid singing on TV and in films.

  ④  Opera singers’ life stories are dramatic.



問1  Which of these statements is true according to paragraph (2)? (パラグラフ (2)のいふところによれば、これらの陳述のどれが正しいか) [  47  ]

  ①  Opera develops by adapting to new conditions. (オペラは新環境に適應して發展する。  ※2パラではオペラの説明をし、變化への對應によるオペラの發展について述べてゐます。後半の要約として true であると言へませう)

  ②  Opera fans thank celebrities for performing. (オペラファンは公演により著名人に感謝する)

  ③  Opera singers avoid singing on TV and in films. (オペラ歌手はテレビや映畫で歌ふのを避ける)

  ④  Opera singers’ life stories are dramatic. (オペラ歌手の傳記は劇的である)





2.2     bring ~ to life        ~を生き返らせる

2.6     thanks to ~               ~のおかげで/~のため


