
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・43 慶應義塾大學 2013 (7) 6パラ

2014-07-04 | 出題英文讀解

     Usually, the diagnosis is routine.  The patient’s story and exam suggest a likely suspect, and the technology of diagnosis rapidly confirms the suspicion.  A doctor with an elderly patient complaining of a fever and cough might well suspect pneumonia, and this suspicion can be quickly checked with an X-ray.  A man in his fifties has chest pain that radiates down his left arm and up to his jaw, and electrocardiography* or a blood test bears out the suspicion that he is having a heart attack.  This is the bread and butter of medical diagnosis ―― cases where cause and effect tie neatly together and the doctor can almost immediately explain to the patient and his / her family what the problem is and, usually, how it arose.



the measurement of electrical activity in the heart and its recording as a visual trace (on paper or on an oscilloscope screen), using electrodes placed on the skin of the limbs and chest



7  According to the sixth paragraph, which of the following statements is not true?

  (A)  The process of reaching a diagnosis is generally not particularly complicated.

  (B)  A preliminary diagnosis can usually be quickly confirmed with technology.

  (C)  Certain signs in certain patients clearly point to specific medical conditions.

  (D)  Although doctors can usually identify illnesses, they cannot normally tell what caused them.



6.1  Usually, the diagnosis is routine.


[意味把握チェック]  6.1 普通、診斷は型どほりに爲されるものである。








6.2  The patient’s story and exam suggest a likely suspect, and the technology of diagnosis rapidly confirms the suspicion.


[意味把握チェック]  6.2 患者の話と檢査によつて疑はれる病氣が示唆され、診斷技術によつて疑ひがすばやく裏づけられる。


6.3  A doctor with an elderly patient complaining of a fever and cough might well suspect pneumonia, and this suspicion can be quickly checked with an X-ray.


[意味把握チェック]  6.3高齡の患者が熱と咳を訴へるなら、醫師が肺炎を疑ふのは道理であらうし、この疑ひはX線寫眞で即座に確認することが可能である。



6.3     might well                 ~するのももつともだ(※ may well より控へめ)


6.4  A man in his fifties has chest pain that radiates down his left arm and up to his jaw, and electrocardiography* or a blood test bears out the suspicion that he is having a heart attack.


[意味把握チェック]  6.4 五十代の男性に左腕から顎にかけて廣がる胸痛があれば(/あるなら)、心電計か血液檢査で心臟發作(/心臟痲痺)であるといふ疑ひが實證される。



・同格: the suspicion と that he is having a heart attack とが竝べ置かれ、後者が前者を説明してゐます。



6.4     bear out ~/bear ~ out               ~を支持する/~を實證する


6.5  This is the bread and butter of medical diagnosis ―― cases where cause and effect tie neatly together and the doctor can almost immediately explain to the patient and his / her family what the problem is and, usually, how it arose.


[意味把握チェック]  6.5 これが醫療診斷の基本である――因果がきれいに結びつき(/きちんと一致し)、醫師が患者やその家族に對して、問題が何なのか、そして通例どのやうに發症したのかをすぐにも説明できるケースである。



・ダッシュ記號のあとの cases~ は the bread and butter of medical diagnosis の説明ですが、第7パラグラフの cases と對比させてゐます。

・where~の關係副詞節は cases について説明してゐます。



6.5     tie together                一致する/合ふ





the measurement of electrical activity in the heart and its recording as a visual trace (on paper or on an oscilloscope screen), using electrodes placed on the skin of the limbs and chest(脚部と胸部の皮膚に置かれた電極を用ゐた、心臟に於ける電流測定と、(紙またはオシロスコープ畫面での)目に見える軌跡記録)




7  According to the sixth paragraph, which of the following statements is not true? (第6パラグラフによると、次に述べてゐることのうちでどれが正しくないか)

○○(A)  The process of reaching a diagnosis is generally not particularly complicated. (診斷に辿り着く過程は普通は特に複雜なものではない)※ 6.1 やパラグラフ全體と矛盾しない言明です。

○○(B)  A preliminary diagnosis can usually be quickly confirmed with technology. (豫診は通例科學技術ですばやく確認される)※ 6.2、6.3、6.4 から引きだせます。

○(C)  Certain signs in certain patients clearly point to specific medical conditions. (ある患者のある兆候は醫學上の特定の状況を明確に指し示す)※ 6.2前半でこのことを示唆し、6.3、6.4 でかういふ事例を紹介してゐます。

×××(D)  Although doctors can usually identify illnesses, they cannot normally tell what caused them. (通例醫師は病氣を特定できるが、通常は何が病氣を引き起してゐるか(/病氣の原因)はわからない)※ 6.5 に反します。
