
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・36 立教大學 2013 (5) 4パラ

2013-12-20 | 出題英文讀解

     Early tests seemed too poetic to convince many scientists.  For instance, when asked to describe an underwater scene, American participants were likely to start off by mentioning the most prominent fish (there’s a big fish ...).  By contrast, Japanese participants began by describing the surroundings (there’s a pond ...), and they were 100 percent more likely than the Americans to mention relationships between the fish and things in their environment (the big fish swam past the seaweed).  According to some, however, these results could merely show that Americans and Japanese people describe things differently, not that they perceive them differently.



3. The underlined sentence, “Early tests seemed too poetic to convince many scientists” (paragraph 4), means that these tests

  イ. were conducted by non-experts.

  ロ. emphasized the artistic skills of the participants.

  ハ. were conducted in artificial settings.

  ニ. emphasized participants’ descriptions rather than perceptions.



4.1  Early tests seemed too poetic to convince many scientists.


[意味把握チェック]  4.1 初期の檢査は詩的に過ぎたので多くの科學者たちは納得しなかつた(/を納得させることはできなかつた)。



・〈tooto-不定詞(…)〉: 「あまりに~なので…しない/できない」。このかたちにより、協力者の敍述説明に依據する度合がつよく客觀性が十分でない、といつたことを述べてゐるのでせう。


4.2  For instance, when asked to describe an underwater scene, American participants were likely to start off by mentioning the most prominent fish (there’s a big fish ...).


[意味把握チェック]  4.2 例へば、水面下の光景を敍述説明するやう求められた際に、アメリカ人協力者たちは最も目立つ魚について述べるところから始め(ることがあり)さうであつた(大きな魚がゐる…)。



・省略: when / while / though / if などの接續詞の後に〈主語+be動詞〉が省略されてゐると考へられます。(※分詞構文に接續詞がついたものと考へることもできます。進行形にしない動詞がこのかたちをとる時など)





for instance




start off



4.3  By contrast, Japanese participants began by describing the surroundings (there’s a pond ...), and they were 100 percent more likely than the Americans to mention relationships between the fish and things in their environment (the big fish swam past the seaweed).


[意味把握チェック]  4.3 (アメリカ人協力者たちと)比べて、日本人協力者たちは周圍(の状況)を描寫して始めた(池がある…)、そして彼らはアメリカ人協力者に比べて(一層)確實に魚と周りのものとの關聯を述べ(ることがあり)さうであつた(大きな魚が水草を泳いで通り過ぎた)。



100 percentmore likely の前に置かれ、この比較級を修飾してゐます。「to mention~が間違ひなく一層ありさうだ」と述べてゐることになります。





by contrast (with ~)



4.4  According to some, however, these results could merely show that Americans and Japanese people describe things differently, not that they perceive them differently.


[意味把握チェック]  4.4 しかしながら、一部の人(/科學者)の言ふところによれば、これらの結果はアメリカ人と日本人とで物事(/事態)の描寫のしかたが異なることを示し得たに過ぎず、物事(/事態)の理解のしかた(/受けとめ方)が異なることは示し得なかつた。



・…, not~の部分は these results could not show を簡略なかたちでつけ加へたものです。





according to

~のいふところによれば / ~に應じて



3. The underlined sentence, “Early tests seemed too poetic to convince many scientists” (paragraph 4), means that these tests  (下線を施した文(4パラ)はこれらの檢査は~といふことを意味してゐる)

  イ. were conducted by non-experts. (非專門家/專門外の研究者によつて實施された)

  ロ. emphasized the artistic skills of the participants. (協力者たちの藝術的技倆を重視した)

  ハ. were conducted in artificial settings. (人工的な設定環境で實施された)

  ニ. emphasized participants’ descriptions rather than perceptions. (協力者たちの認知内容よりもむしろ敍述説明を重視した)



ニ  (※洋の東西で思考法が異なることを立證するには客觀性が十分でない、といふ見解を表はす文です)