
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・36 立教大學 2013 (4) 3パラ

2013-12-16 | 出題英文讀解

     The ancient Greeks valued public debate, and individuals who achieved victory in verbal combat were respected.  The Greeks believed that they could recognize truth by applying the rules of logic, and they could understand the world by dividing nature into different categories.  The ancient Chinese, by contrast, valued harmony.  People earned respect by acting respectfully toward their family, community, and country. Clear achievement by individuals was not prized, it was discouraged.  Formal logic played little role in reasoning.  Nature was not analyzed into categories.  Rather, the natural world was viewed as constantly in flow, with no clear separation between the past and the present, the living and the dead, or the animate and the inanimate ―― no clear distinction between “self” and “other.”  Nisbett and colleagues wanted to find out whether these cultural differences ―― valuing independence or interdependence, focusing on distinctions or continuities ―― corresponded to fundamental differences in Easterners’ and Westerners’ perception and cognition.



2. According to the passage, the ancient Greeks were likely to value all of the following EXCEPT

  イ. winning an argument.

  ロ. enjoying nature without analyzing it.

  ハ. thinking on their own.

  ニ. finding truths by applying the rules of logic.



3.1  The ancient Greeks valued public debate, and individuals who achieved victory in verbal combat were respected.


[意味把握チェック]  3.1 古代ギリシア人は公の場での討論を重んじ、ことばの戰ひで勝利をおさめた(個)人は尊敬された。


3.2  The Greeks believed that they could recognize truth by applying the rules of logic, and they could understand the world by dividing nature into different categories.


[意味把握チェック]  3.2 (古代)ギリシア人は、論理原則の適用によつて眞理を知ることができ、自然をさまざまな範疇(/カテゴリー)に分け入れることにより世界がわかると信じてゐた。


3.3  The ancient Chinese, by contrast, valued harmony.


[意味把握チェック]  3.3(古代ギリシア人と)比べて、古代中國人は調和を重んじた。





by contrast (with ~)



3.4  People earned respect by acting respectfully toward their family, community, and country.


[意味把握チェック]  3.4 人々は、家族、社會、國を尊重して振舞ふことにより尊敬を得た。


3.5  Clear achievement by individuals was not prized, it was discouraged.


[意味把握チェック]  3.5 個人による申し分のない業績は讚へられず、妨げられた(/思ひとどまるやう促された)。









=to try to prevent


3.6  Formal logic played little role in reasoning.


[意味把握チェック]  3.6 形式論理は思考に於いてわづかな役割しか果さなかつた。


3.7  Nature was not analyzed into categories.


[意味把握チェック]  3.7 自然が範疇に分け入れられることはなかつた。



3.2dividing nature into different categories に類似した表現です。


3.8  Rather, the natural world was viewed as constantly in flow, with no clear separation between the past and the present, the living and the dead, or the animate and the inanimate ―― no clear distinction between “self” and “other.”


[意味把握チェック]  3.8 それどころか、自然界は動きが絶え間なく續き(/無常で)、過去と現在の間、生者と死者の間、生物と無生物の間にはつきりとした隔て(/隔絶)はないものと――(さらには)「自己」と「他者」の間にはつきりとした區別もないものと看做されてゐた。



with~ は constantly in flow の内容を説明してゐるやうに見えます。ダッシュ以下はさらに説明を追加してゐるやうに見えます。


3.9  Nisbett and colleagues wanted to find out whether these cultural differences ―― valuing independence or interdependence, focusing on distinctions or continuities ―― corresponded to fundamental differences in Easterners’ and Westerners’ perception and cognition.


[意味把握チェック]  3.9 Nisbett と共同研究者たちはかうした文化の違ひ――(自主)自立を重んじるのか相互依存を重んじるのか、また(區別された)相違點に關心を集中するのか連續體に關心を集中するのかといつた違ひ――が東洋人と西洋人の知覺と認知に於ける根源的な違ひに符合(/と一致)するのかどうかを明らかにしたかった。



valuing~は these cultural differences を具體的に説明してゐます。





find out

=to learn or discover (a fact that was hidden)




2. According to the passage, the ancient Greeks were likely to value all of the following EXCEPT  (この一節によると、古代ギリシア人は次の選擇肢のうち~以外のすべてを重んじさうであつた)

  イ. winning an argument. (討論に勝つこと)

  ロ. enjoying nature without analyzing it. (自然を分析することなく愛でること)

  ハ. thinking on their own. (獨力で考へること)

  ニ. finding truths by applying the rules of logic. (論理原則を適用して眞理を見出すこと)

