
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・36 立教大學 2013 (6) 5パラ

2013-12-23 | 出題英文讀解

     Further studies challenge this skeptical position.  Japanese and Americans were shown a box with a vertical line inside of it.  They were then shown a second box of a different size, and asked to draw a vertical line inside it that matched the one in the first box.  Half of the time, participants were told to make the line “the same” as the original, meaning the same absolute length (Absolute condition).  The other half of the time, they were told to draw a line that was the “same” length as the first in proportion to the surrounding box (Relative condition).  Results showed that Americans were more accurate in the Absolute task, which required focusing on an individual object and ignoring its surroundings, but Japanese participants performed better on the Relative task, which required perceiving and remembering an object in its context.



4. The underlined word “skeptical” (paragraph 5) is closest in meaning to

  イ. analytic.      ロ. doubtful.     ハ. relative.     ニ. significant.



5.1  Further studies challenge this skeptical position.


[意味把握チェック]  5.1 更なる研究がこの不確かな(/疑問の餘地ある)局面に挑む。


5.2  Japanese and Americans were shown a box with a vertical line inside of it.


[意味把握チェック]  5.2 日本人とアメリカ人とが内側に垂直線が引かれた箱を見せられた。


5.3  They were then shown a second box of a different size, and asked to draw a vertical line inside it that matched the one in the first box.


[意味把握チェック]  5.3 彼らはそれから大きさの異なる二番めの箱を見せられ、最初の箱の内部に引かれた垂直線に匹敵する線を内側に引くやう求められた。


5.4  Half of the time, participants were told to make the line “the same” as the original, meaning the same absolute length (Absolute condition).


[意味把握チェック]  5.4 (檢査)時間の半分で、協力者たちは線分を最初のものと絶對的に「同じ」長さにする(絶對的條件)やうにと指示された。



・〈tellto-不定詞(…)〉: (「~に…するやうにと言ふ)。ここではこのかたちが受動態になつてゐます。

make OC: 第五文型で「O(the line)をC(“the same” as the original)にする」の意味になります。


“the same”: 引用符に入れたのは、5.4と5.5で same を二樣の意味で使つてゐるからです。「絶對的同じ」と「相對的同じ」を使ひ分けてゐます。定冠詞も引用符の内と外に置くやうにして嚴密に使ひ分けてゐます。



5.4  absolute condition はここでは作業の性格を説明してゐます。absolute がついてゐますから他と比較考量せずに絶對的に同じ長さにすることが求められてゐることになります。


5.5  The other half of the time, they were told to draw a line that was the “same” length as the first in proportion to the surrounding box (Relative condition).


[意味把握チェック]  5.5 殘り半分の(檢査)時間で、彼らは線分を圍んでゐる箱の大きさに比例させて最初の線分と「同じ」長さの線を引く(相對的條件)やうにと指示された。





in proportion to



5.6  Results showed that Americans were more accurate in the Absolute task, which required focusing on an individual object and ignoring its surroundings, but Japanese participants performed better on the Relative task, which required perceiving and remembering an object in its context.


[意味把握チェック]  5.6 結果が示したのは、絶對的條件の作業では、それは個々の對象物に注意を集中し周りの状況を無視することが求められるのだが、アメリカ人のはうが正確であるが、相對的條件の作業では、それは對象物を置かれた状況のなかで感知し記憶することが求められるのだが、日本人のはうが成績が好い、といふことであつた。



4. The underlined word “skeptical” (paragraph 5) is closest in meaning to  (下線が施された語『懷疑的な』(5パラ)は~に意味が近い)

  イ. analytic. (分析的な)      ロ. doubtful. (疑はしい)     ハ. relative. (相對的な)     ニ. significant. (重要な)

