Many cities want to create clusters, but there are few examples of building them successfully from scratch. An interesting experiment (which Singapore, among others, started watching anxiously) was undertaken in Dubai, which poured billions of dollars of the Emirates’ oil money into the city to try to create clusters like biotechnology research. But such artificial attempts, requiring massive amounts of money, always run the risk of creating distortions and bubbles, and the Dubai experiment ran into some trouble after the Emirates’ state-backed companies ended up with more debt than they could handle.
11.1 Many cities want to create clusters, but there are few examples of building them successfully from scratch.
[意味把握チェック] 11.1 多くの都市が産業集中を作り出したがるが、それらをゼロから成功裡に築いた例はわづかしかない。
・few は否定的なニュアンスを持ちます(※ a few は肯定的なニュアンス)。
11.1 |
from scratch |
最初から / ゼロから |
11.2 An interesting experiment (which Singapore, among others, started watching anxiously) was undertaken in Dubai, which poured billions of dollars of the Emirates’ oil money into the city to try to create clusters like biotechnology research.
[意味把握チェック] 11.2 興味深い實驗(とりわけシンガポールがそれを氣にかけて注視を始めた)がドバイで企てられたが、それは生物工學研究と同じやうに、産業集中を作り出さうとして何十億ドルものアラブ首長国連邦のオイルマネーを都市に注ぎ込むものであつた。
11.3 But such artificial attempts, requiring massive amounts of money, always run the risk of creating distortions and bubbles, and the Dubai experiment ran into some trouble after the Emirates’ state-backed companies ended up with more debt than they could handle.
[意味把握チェック] 11.3 しかしそんな不自然な企ては、巨額の資金を要し、歪みと(誇大な)投機を生み出す危險をつねに冒すもので、ドバイの實驗は、アラブ首長国連邦が後楯となつてゐる(/後援の)會社が處理能力を超える負債で終つた(/負債を抱へて倒産した)後、困難にぶつかつた。
11.3 |
run a risk/risks |
危險を冒す |
11.3 |
run into ~ |
~にぶつかる /(困難など)にぶちあたる |
11.3 |
end up with ~ |
~で終る / ~で結末をつける |