
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・早稻田大學 2011 (8) 7パラ

2012-05-28 | 出題英文讀解


⑦   Thus, electronic forms of communication are producing new written forms of English and some of these reduce the distinction between the written and the spoken forms of the language.  This may be more acceptable to societies now than before, as there appears to be a general movement toward a greater tolerance of diversity.  Whereas in former times there might have been complaints about incorrectly written English, nowadays people seem increasingly comfortable with the idea that different types of English might be suitable for different purposes and media.  These trends may push toward greater diversification of English rather than toward standardization.



7.1  Thus, electronic forms of communication are producing new written forms of English and some of these reduce the distinction between the written and the spoken forms of the language.


[意味把握チェック] 7.1  かうしてコミュニケイションの電子的な形態が英語の新しい書き方を生みだしてをり、これらの一部により英語の書き言葉と話し言葉の違ひが少なくなつてゐる。


7.2  This may be more acceptable to societies now than before, as there appears to be a general movement toward a greater tolerance of diversity.


[意味把握チェック] 7.2  今はこのことが以前に比べて社會で容認されやすくなつてゐるかもしれない、多樣性について一層寛大になる動きが廣まつてゐるやうに見えるので。








appear to-不定詞(~)

~らしい / ~するやうだ


7.3  Whereas in former times there might have been complaints about incorrectly written English, nowadays people seem increasingly comfortable with the idea that different types of English might be suitable for different purposes and media.


[意味把握チェック] 7.3  昔であつたなら英語の書き誤りは苦情が出たであらうが(/出たかもしれないが)、それに對して今日では、さまざまなタイプの英語はさまざまな目的や媒體にふさはしいのだといふ考へに人々はますます滿足してゐるやうに思はれるのである。



in former times に假定條件が含まれ、there might have been ~といふ假定法過去完了の歸結節が使はれてゐます。

・同格: the idea that~は同格表現です。「~といふ考へ」と解します。




in former times





發音注意  [:diə]

   7.3  comfortable 抵抗感が少なく受容の姿勢を示す方向に向つてゐることを意味してゐると思ひます。


7.4  These trends may push toward greater diversification of English rather than toward standardization.


[意味把握チェック] 7.4  かうした動向により、英語は標準化するよりもむしろ一層多樣化する方向に進んでゐるのかもしれない。





rather than
