MITIS 水野通訳翻訳研究所ブログ

Mizuno Institute for Interpreting and Translation Studies

Forum 最新号

2010年03月08日 | 通訳・翻訳研究

しばらく前にKSCIのForum, Vol. 7 No.2 (2009)が着いていたのだった。この号は翻訳の比率が大きくなっている。タイトルを見る限りではいくつか読んでみたいものがある。
Nizar Qabbani's "Balquis": Translation into English with an introduction (Yasser K. R. Aman)
Globalization and Boudaries in Translators' and Interpreters' Professional Organizations (Graciela Calderon)
Numbers in Simultaneous Interpreting: An experimental study (Andrew Kay-fan Cheung)
Translation in Enhancing National Brand (Choi Jungwha)
Cinquante ans d'interpretation parlementaire (Jean Delisle)
Les enjeux du debat sur l'(in)traduisibilite de la metaphore (Kim Hyeon-ju)
Revisng the Target Text Independently of the Source Text (Kim Ryonhee)
The Impact of Non-native English on Information Transfer in Simultaneous intepretation (Ingrid kurz & Elvira Basel)
Style Shift in Korean Teledramas: A case for the careful consideration of speech style in translation (Jeansue Mueller, Charles Mueller)
Trajectory of Vladimir Nabokov's Literary Translation Practices (Zhanna Yablokova)
Influence of Ideology, Poetics, Patronage and the Prodessional on Rewriting Vanity Fair into Chinese Terms (Yand Shizhuo, Yang Wenrui)

