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■オタワ大学で出しているJournal: MonTI - Monographs in Translation and Interpreting が原稿募集。メールを貼り付けます。
Issue 2:1 (publication January 2009)
Title of issue: Woman and translation
This volume is an attempt to open up a space for reflection on the complex intersections between woman and translation -two categories which over the last two or three decades have been revealed as complex and unstable constructions, rich in linguistic, cultural and ideological associations. A wealth of disciplines, some of them very recent, are enlarging the analytical and research horizons -among them we can mention gender and sex(uality) studies, feminism, pragmatics, cultural studies, postmodernist perspectives, deconstruction, psychoanalysis, feminist translation, descriptive translation studies, and many more.
As a result of this richness of perspectives, the intersection between women and
translation has grown exponentially, allowing a variety of lines of research unthought of just a few years ago, when both ,woman' and ,translation' were no more than marginal categories in language and culture.
The papers for this issue (2:1) could focus on one of the following topics, or writers could propose their own project:
- The translation of works written by women.
- Works translated by women, no matter the genre.
- Women/men translating
- Feminist translation
- The metaphors linking women and translation: a review of traditional
metaphors; new metaphors.
- The translation of sex and the (female) body.
- The translation of margins -whether social, sexual or personal- and of alterity.
- The presence of sexist traits in any translation.
- Women, translation and new literary/translatological canons.
We especially wish to invite papers which encourage:
(1) Cross-disciplinary perspectives.
(2) Challenging proposals, with a focus on political or ideological issues.
(3) Practical analyses of translations; but also
(4) A revaluation of the basic theoretical tenets linking ,woman' and ,translation'.
We also invite 2,000-word reviews of any book related to translation, most especially
those dealing with gender and translation.
Submission of proposals and deadlines
Full proposals (in English, Catalan, Spanish, German or French) should be addressed to the MonTI Secretary (Prof. Jesús Zanón - jesus.zanon@ua.es) by 28th February 2008.
Title and 500-word abstract should be delivered in two languages: in English and in any other of the journal's languages. The editors will send notify writers on the acceptance of proposals by 30th May 2008. Expected date of publication is January 2009.
Contact details
Please contact either one of the guest editors for questions regarding the scientific contents of the volume. Use any of the journal's languages for correspondence with the guest editors. Answers will be sent in Catalan, Spanish or English. Please state your preferred language for replies if you use French or German.
José Santaemilia - jose.santaemilia@uv.es
Luise von Flotow -luisevonflotow@yahoo.ca
Any operational questions should be addressed to the journal Secretary or to the general editor. Please use English, Spanish or Catalan in your correspondence with MonTI.
Instructions on working languages, extension of papers and style notes for authors may be found at: