
ネットラーニングHD、ネットラーニング、WIWIW、Phoenix Consulting、各代表取締役 岸田徹


2012-05-02 22:14:35 | 島の生活



2012 Update from the CEO

2012-05-02 12:32:55 | Internet and mobile
googleのこの1年。2012 Update from the CEO

’Sergey and I founded Google because we believed that building a great search experience would improve people’s lives and, hopefully, the world.’ではじまる文章は、CEOに復帰して1年、なにに集中してきたかをふりかえる。

’So, since becoming CEO again, I’ve pushed hard to increase our velocity, improve our execution, and focus on the big bets that will make a difference in the world. Google is a large company now, but we will achieve more, and do it faster, if we approach life with the passion and soul of a start-up.’

’Last April, I began by reorganizing the management team around our core products to improve responsibility and accountability across Google. ’まず最初にてをつけたのは、マネージメントチームの責任体制だ。

’I also kicked off a big clean-up. Google has so many opportunities that, unless we make some hard choices, we end up spreading ourselves too thin and don’t have the impact we want.’さらに拡散した事業を整理した。’ So we have closed or combined over 30 products, including projects like Knol and Sidewiki. ’

’Creating a simpler, more intuitive experience across Google has been another important focus. ・・・That means making our products work together seamlessly.’そして、すべてがシームレスにつかえるように統合。



2012-05-02 08:14:45 | 海外のeラーニング
ネットラーニングはきたる5月6~9日に米国デンバーで開催される世界最大の教育国際会議、ASTD(Amarican Society for Training and Development)にて講演いたします。

セッションテーマは「The difference of SCORM LMS and Cloud type LMS, Status and future」。クラウド型LMSがなぜ時代の主流として発展を続けるのか、そして他のLMSでは決して実現できない、教育革命ともいうべきその無限大の可能性について講演いたします。


▼Session Information:
Session #: W220
Date/Venue: Wednesday, 05/09/2012 10:30AM -11:45AM , Room Rooms 501/502
Speakers: JAEBUM LEE, Tomonari Hayashi
Track: Learning Technologies
