和英対照聖書を読む 72

2022-07-16 15:49:25 | 

 サムエル記上23~24。 サウルはラマのナヨトに向かってそこを去ったが、彼の上にも神の霊が降り、彼は預言する状態になったまま、ラマのナヨトまで歩き続けた。彼は着物を脱ぎ捨て、預言する状態になったまま、その日は一昼夜、サムエルの前に裸のままで倒れていた。

 英文は As he was going there, the spirit of God took control of him also, and he danced and shouted all the way to Naioth. He took off his cloths and danced and shouted in Samuel's presence, and lay naked all that day and all that night.

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