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・55 センター試驗 2017 (4) 3パラ

2017-02-06 | 出題英文讀解


     Another way to help a friendship is to see things from our friend’s point of view.  For example, Mark was very upset at his good friend, Kate, because she had not visited him in the hospital.  Later, he learned from Kate’s friend that she had been afraid of hospitals ever since she had been hospitalized as a little girl for a serious illness.  Mark then understood why Kate hadn’t come and, instead of being angry, he felt sympathy for her.




3.1  Another way to help a friendship is to see things from our friend’s point of view.

3.2  For example, Mark was very upset at his good friend, Kate, because she had not visited him in the hospital.

3.3  Later, he learned from Kate’s friend that she had been afraid of hospitals ever since she had been hospitalized as a little girl for a serious illness.

3.4  Mark then understood why Kate hadn’t come and, instead of being angry, he felt sympathy for her.



3.1     one's  point of view   見地/觀點/立場

3.2     for example               たとへば

3.4     instead of ~              ~でなく/~する代はりに/~しないで/~どころか

3.2/3.3 過去完了時制: 《had+過去分詞》のかたちで、

1  過去のある時點までに、何らかのことが「完了」してゐた、或はそのことにより生じた「結果」に焦點を當てる

2  過去のある時點までに、何らかのことを「經驗」してゐた

3  過去のある時點までに、何らかのことが「繼續」中であつた

4  過去のある時點より前に起こつたことであることを示す(「大過去」)


□參考例文: 「完了」「結果」

55.3.1   The fire had already spread throughout the building when the fire engines arrived.


□參考例文: 「經驗」

55.3.2   I had never used that DVD player before, so I decided to test it out.


□參考例文: 「繼續」

55.3.3   They had known each other for ten years when they got married.


55.3.4   Henry had been working at that company for five years when it went out of business.


□參考例文: 「大過去」

55.3.5   I realized that I had left my umbrella in his car.




3.1  友人關係に役立つもう一つの手立て(/方法)は、友達の立場に立つて事態を眺めることである。

3.2  例へば、Mark が良い友達であるKate に對して、病院に見舞ひに來なかつたためにとても氣を惡くしてゐた(、としよう)。

3.3  後に Mark は Kate の友人から、Kate が少女時代に重い病氣で入院して以來ずつと病院を怖がつてゐると教へられた。

3.4  Markはそのとき、どうして Kate が(見舞ひに)來なかつたのかがわかり、怒るどころか彼女への同情心を抱いたのであつた。

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