
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・102.3 What exactly is globalization? ...

2016-06-06 | 出題英文讀解

     For example, the high technology in the world of 1000 included paper and printing, gunpowder, the clock and the magnetic compass. Every one of these ‘high-tech’ fields of knowledge in the world a millennium ago was well established in China, and at the same time was (3) practically unknown elsewhere. It was globalization that spread them across the world, includingEurope. We can similarly consider the impact of Eastern influence on Western mathematics. The decimal system emerged and became well developed inIndia between the second and the sixth centuries, and was also used extensively soon after by Arab mathematicians. These procedures reachedEurope mainly in the last quarter of the tenth century, and their huge effects were felt in the early years of the last millennium.


C.  空所( X )に入る最も適切なものを次の(イ)~(ニ)の中から1つ選びなさい。(※空所Xは第2パラグラフにあります)

  (イ) one-sided   (ロ) opposite   (ハ) right   (ニ) wrong


D.  下線部(3)の意味に最も近いものを次の(イ)~(ニ)の中から1つ選びなさい。

  (イ) almost   (ロ) in fact   (ハ) naturally   (ニ) seldom





3.1  For example, the high technology in the world of 1000 included paper and printing, gunpowder, the clock and the magnetic compass.

3.2  Every one of these ‘high-tech’ fields of knowledge in the world a millennium ago was well established in China, and at the same time was (3) practically unknown elsewhere.

3.3  It was globalization that spread them across the world, includingEurope.

3.4  We can similarly consider the impact of Eastern influence on Western mathematics.

3.5  The decimal system* emerged and became well developed inIndiabetween the second and the sixth centuries, and was also used extensively soon after by Arab mathematicians.

3.6  These procedures reachedEuropemainly in the last quarter of the tenth century, and their huge effects were felt in the early years of the last millennium.


C.  空所( X )に入る最も適切なものを次の(イ)~(ニ)の中から1つ選びなさい。

  (イ) one-sided(一方方向の)   (ロ) opposite(反對の)   (ハ) right(正しい)   (ニ) wrong(誤つた)






D.  下線部(3)の意味に最も近いものを次の(イ)~(ニ)の中から1つ選びなさい。

  (イ) almost(ほとんど)   (ロ) in fact(實のところ)   (ハ) naturally(當然)   (ニ) seldom (滅多に~しない)







3.3 強調構文で、1.6に使はれたのと同じ種類のものです。過去形の文脈の場合、It was で始めることがあります。

3.5  after はここでは副詞です。「あとで」。



3.1  例へば、西暦1000年の世界の高度技術には、紙と印刷、火藥、時計や磁針式羅針盤が含まれた。

3.2  1000年前の世界の知識のうち、これら「高度技術」の分野の悉くが中國でしつかりと確立され、同時にそれ以外の地域ではほとんど知られてゐなかつた。

3.3  それらを、ヨーロッパを含め世界中にひろめたのは globalization であつた。

3.4  私たちは、西洋の數學に與へた東洋の影響の衝撃を同樣のものと考へることができる。

3.5  十進法は2世紀から6世紀にかけてインドで生れ、十分な發達を遂げ、ほどなくアラビアの數學者にもひろく使はれた。

3.6  かうした傳播は、おもに10世紀の最後の25年間にヨーロッパに達し、ヨーロッパでは、それからの1000年間のうちの早い時期に非常に大きな影響を受けた。