
  - in the historical Japanese kana/kanji orthography

・120.6 There are two big power …

2016-01-11 | 出題英文讀解

・120.6 There are two big power …

6   It is very important to have accurate perceptions about the transition of power.  And the reason is that when people are too worried about power, they may overreact or follow strategies that are [16] (1. relevant  2. meaningful  3. dangerous).  When you look back in history, there is the famous case of the Peloponnesian War, in which the Greek city-state system tore itself apart.  Thucydides, the ancient Greek historian, said the reason for this war was the rise in the power of Athens and the fear it created in Sparta.  [17] (1. Contrarily  2. Similarly  3. Paradoxically), if you look at World War I, which destroyed the centrality of the European state system in the world, it is often said it was caused by the rise in power of Germany and the fear that it created in Britain.







[26]  According to the 6th paragraph, the author seems to believe that

 1.  Thucydides wrongly predicted the transition of power in ancient Greece.

 2.  Thucydides correctly predicted the transition of power in ancient Greece.

 3.  people in Athens reacted too strongly.

 4.  people in Sparta reacted too strongly.




[16] (1. relevant(關係のある/適切な)  2. meaningful(意味のある/意味深長な)  3. dangerous(危險な): 懸念し過ぎることにより不適切な對應をとつてしまふ可能性があることを説いてゐます。

[17] (1. Contrarily(反對に)  2. Similarly(同樣に)  3. Paradoxically(逆接的に): the fear that it created in Britain がヒントになります。

[26]  According to the 6th paragraph, the author seems to believe that(第6パラグラフによれば、筆者は~と信じてゐるやうに思はれる)

 1.  Thucydides wrongly predicted the transition of power in ancient Greece. (Thucydides は古代ギリシャにおける力の移動を誤つて豫測した)

 2.  Thucydides correctly predicted the transition of power in ancient Greece. (Thucydides は古代ギリシャにおける力の移動を正しく豫測した)

 3.  people in Athens reacted too strongly. (アテネの人々はつよく反應し過ぎた)

 4.  people in Sparta reacted too strongly. (スパルタの人々はつよく反應し過ぎた)




[16]  3

[17]  2

[26]  4



 6.1  preparatory it(形式主語): 眞主語は to have ~です。

 6.2     worry about ~              ~を心配する

6.3       look back                  顧みる / 囘顧する

6.3       Peloponnesian            [pèləpəní:ӡən/-ʃən]

 6.3   tear ~ apart / tear apart ~     ~をばらばらにする/(人のこころ)を引き裂く(※ tear は發音注意 [tɛər])

6.4      Thucydides                [Ѳju:sídidì:z]

6.4      Athens                        [ǽѲinz]

 6.5  條件節と主節がうまく噛みあひませんが、World War I 勃發の理由(について語られる内容  it was caused~)が、第一次世界大戰をみれば讀者にわかる、と筆者は述べてゐるのでせう。

6.5       World War I               發音注意  [wə́:rld wɔ́:r wʌn]


