At the end of the 20th century, researchers began to develop treatments for a variety of life-threatening genetic diseases. The early results seemed very (7)encouraging, and, consequently, people with genetic diseases became hopeful that they would soon see a cure. In 2000, for example, French doctors treated babies with a rare genetic disorder, commonly (8)referred to as “bubble boy disease*4,” that affected their immune systems. They injected the babies with a healthy replacement gene. Ten months later, the children’s immune systems appeared completely normal.
*4bubble boy disease「バブルボーイ症候群、重症複合免疫不全症」アデノシンデアミナーゼという酵素の欠損に起因する免疫不全疾患
問2 本文中の下線部(6)~(10)の語(句)に最も近い意味のものを、それぞれ①~⑤の中から一つずつ選びなさい。
(7) encouraging
① absurd ② constant ③ depressing ④ promising ⑤ unfavorable
(8) referred to as
① called ② prejudiced ③ regulated ④ unpredictable ⑤ worsened
5.1 At the end of the 20th century, researchers began to develop treatments for a variety of life-threatening genetic diseases.
[意味把握チェック] 5.1 20世紀末に、研究者たちは生命を脅す(やうな)さまざまな遺傳子疾患の治療法を開發し始めた。
5.2 The early results seemed very encouraging, and, consequently, people with genetic diseases became hopeful that they would soon see a cure.
[意味把握チェック] 5.2 早い時期の(開發)成果は希望を與へるものであり、その結果、遺傳子疾患にかかつてゐる人々はほどなく(治療により)治るだらうといふ望みをもつ(やうになつ)た。
・be hopeful that~: that 節を置くと、期待の内容について説明を補ひ、「~といふことを期待してゐる」といふ意味になります。ここは動詞が became です。
5.3 In 2000, for example, French doctors treated babies with a rare genetic disorder, commonly referred to as “bubble boy disease,” that affected their immune systems.
[意味把握チェック] 5.3 例へば、2000年にはフランスの醫師が、免疫システムに影響するまれな遺傳子(異常による)疾患、一般的には「バブルボーイ症候群」と呼ばれてゐるが、その(患者である)乳兒たちを治療した。
5.3 refer to ~ as … ~を…と言ふ/~を…と呼ぶ
5.4 They injected the babies with a healthy replacement gene.
[意味把握チェック] 5.4 彼らは乳兒たちに健全な取替(/交換)遺傳子を注入した。
5.4 inject ~ with … ~に…を注入する
5.5 Ten months later, the children’s immune systems appeared completely normal.
[意味把握チェック] 5.5 10箇月後には、乳兒たちの免疫システムは全く正常な樣子であつた。
問2 本文中の下線部(6)~(10)の語(句)に最も近い意味のものを、それぞれ①~⑤の中から一つずつ選びなさい。
(7) encouraging
① absurd(不合理な) ② constant(搖ぎない) ③ depressing(意氣消沈させる) ④ promising(期待できる) ⑤ unfavorable(好ましくない)
(8) referred to as
① called(と呼ばれる) ② prejudiced(偏見のある) ③ regulated(規制された) ④ unpredictable(豫知できない) ⑤ worsened(一層惡化した)
(7) ④
(8) ①